Messages >> 2024

No. Title (June 2024) Speaker
1    Kingdom of the Son of His Love    (download) Enoch Chao
2    Obeying the Will of the Father    (download) Tsimin Chan
3    Jonah and Our Judgement Spirit    (download) Maurice Geeslin
4    Waiting for the Lord    (download) Ray Chang
5    Open sharings    (download) Brothers and Sisters
No. Title (May 2024) Speaker
6    They overcame because of the blood of the Lamb    (download) Lucio Aguirre
7    The conflict over the coming of the Kingdom    (download) Lucio Aguirre
8    Kingdom Faith    (download) Dana Congdon
9    Open Sharings    (download) Brothers and Sisters
No. Title (April 2024) Speaker
10    Kingdom Living    (download) Daniel Lee
11    Preparation for the Coming of the Lord and Living in God's Kingdom    (download) Tsimin Chan
12    Open Sharing from Youth Weekend Conference    (download) Brothers and Sisters
No. Title (March 2024) Speaker
13    In the Footsteps of Paul    (download) Daniel Chen
14    Gospel of the Kingdom    (download) Dana Congdon
15    The Holy Spirit and the coming of the Kingdom    (download) Lucio Aguirre
16    Open Sharings    (download) Brothers and Sisters
No. Title (February 2024) Speaker
17    Living on Kingdom Mount    (download) Dana Congdon
18    Thy Kingdom Come - the Spiritual Message of Revelation    (download) Lucio Aguirre
19    As though they did not    (download) Maurice Geeslin
20    Open Sharing    (download) Brothers and Sisters
No. Title (January 2024) Speaker
21    Desiring for the Kingdom of Heaven    (download) Tsimin Chan
22    How to live in kingdom reality?    (download) Ming-Dauh Wang
23    Kingdom Wilderness    (download) Dana Congdon
24    Open Sharings    (download) Brothers and Sisters

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