Chapter 17.1-27: Vision on the Mount of Transfiguration 17:1-27: 在變化山上的異象 音 馬 太福 Motif: “The Kingdom mountains” 主題:「國度的山」 Mount of Commission 差遣的山 (28) Ba ion iss mm Co 差遣 ’s en 的 ng av 天 mi 臨 He 屬 Co 來 ’s 次 en y or av 第 Gl He 的 天 ing 屬 m r 耀 sfo 榮 an 化 Tr 變 ’s 的 en 天 av 屬 He Mountain of Transfiguration Mount of Mountain Revelation Olives 變化山 啟示的山 橄欖山 (17) (16.13-28) (24-25) n sio Vi ly 象 en 異 av 的 He 天 屬 s rce sou Re 源 en 的資 av He 屬天 ed ess Bl 祝福 fe Li 蒙了 ly en 命 av s He 的 lie 天 en 屬 av he 戰 the in 的爭 es ttl 屬天 Mount of Temptation 試探山 (4) Mount of Blessing 祝福山 (5) Mountain of Bread 餅的山 (15.29) 二 生 Matthew’s 7 Spiritual Mountains 馬太福音7個屬靈的山 上週:啟 Matthew 16: 1 Central Kingdom Revelation Generated Three Subsequent Revelations 的基礎 黑門山 太福 16章: 個主要的國度啟 產 了三個後續的啟 該撒利亞腓立比 Father’s Mystery: the Christ 父的奧秘 基督 Son’s Mystery: the Church 子的奧秘 教會 Church’s Mystery: the Cross 教會的奧秘 字架 Disciple’s Mystery: the Cost 示 代價 示 一 十 示 : : : : 音 門徒的奧秘 生 馬 Last Week: Foundation of Revelation 你們說我是誰? Disciples in the “school of Christ” 在「基督的學校」裡的門徒 1. Jesus’ kingdom priority was to bring the disciples into a progressive revelation of HIMSELF - his calling, his anointing, his authority, his nature, his work 耶穌的國度優先次序是帶 徒進入漸進的 啟 來認識祂 —祂的呼召、祂的恩 膏、祂的權柄、祂的本質、祂的 作 2. The disciples viewpoint as they served seemed earth bound until they saw a heavenly vision 當 徒們事奉時,他們的眼光似乎局限於 工 個天上的異象 門 一 見 己 自 門 示 地上,直到他們看 Matthew 17 Events 馬太福音17章裡的事件 1. Matt. 17.1-8 Trans guration ( ) 太17:1-8 登山變相 2. Matt. 17.9-13 The mystery of Elijah ( ) 太17:9-13 以利亞的奧秘 3. Matt. 17.14-21 Down to theVale of Woe (三 ) 太17: 14-21 下到悲慘之 4. Matt. 17.22-23 Cross is Jesus’ Destiny (四 ) 太17: 22-23 字架是耶穌的命運 谷 fi 十 二 一 5. Matt. 17.24-27 Temple Tax Paid (五 ) 太17: 24-27 付了殿稅 1. The Transfiguration (一 ) 登山變像 白 日 面 面 Matt. 17.2 And He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light. 太17:2 就在他們 前變了形像, 臉 明亮如 頭, 衣裳潔 如光。 Matthew16-25 Between Kingdom Mounts: Caesarea Philippi to Mt. Olivet 馬太福音 16-25章: 國度的山脈之間: 該撒利亞腓立比到橄欖山 Matthew 16 begins the third section of Matthew’s gospel dealing with Jesus’ last 6 months leading to Mt. Calvary 馬太福音第 16 章開始了馬太福音的第三部分,講述了耶穌到加略山的 最後六個月 1. The emphasis moves from revealing Christ’s ministry and power to revealing the true nature of life in the kingdom 重點從揭示基督的職事和能力轉移到揭示天國生活的真正本質 2. The revelations of Caesarea Philippi opened up the disciples eyes to a whole new reality of the spiritual life in the kingdom 該撒利亞腓立比的啟示使門徒們看見了國度中屬靈生活的全新實際 Matthew16-25 Between Kingdom Mounts: Caesarea Philippi to Mt. Olivet 馬太福音 16-25章: 國度的山脈之間: 該撒利亞腓立比到橄欖山 Matthew 16 begins the third section of Matthew’s gospel dealing with Jesus’ last 6 months leading to Mt. Calvary 馬太福音第 16 章開始了馬太福音的第三部分,講述了耶穌到加略山的 最後六個月 3. The trans guration on a high mountain will take this spiritual reality up from a revelation to Kingdom Vision 高山上的變像將把這個屬靈實際從啟示提升到國度的異象 , fi fi 4. Jesus speci cally and sovereignly chose these three disciples to remain with Him as He went up the Mount 耶穌特定且主權地選擇了這三個門徒 讓祂上山時留在祂身邊 Old Testament Background 舊約的背景 Matt. 17.1 Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. 太17:1 耶穌帶著彼得、雅各、和雅各的兄弟約翰、暗暗的上了 山。 Matthew narration of the Trans guration has de nite undertones for the Jews 馬太福音關於耶穌登山變像的敘述對猶太人來說具有明確的意義 1. “After six days” like the 6 days in Exodus 24: 9-18 when God invites Moses to come up Mt Sinai to meet God with his assistant Joshua 「六天之後」 就像出埃及記 24:9-18 的六天 當時神邀請摩西和他的助手約書亞上西乃山 與神會面 高 fi , , fi 2. God’s Voice called Moses from the midst of the thick cloud and Elijah also heard God’s voice upon the Holy Mount Sinai 神的聲音從厚厚的雲層中呼喚摩西 以利亞 也在聖山西乃山上聽到了神的聲音 Old Testament Background 舊約的背景 Matt. 17.1 Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. 太17:1 耶穌帶著彼得、雅各、和雅各的兄弟約翰、暗暗的上了 山。 Matthew narration of the Trans guration has de nite undertones for the Jews 馬太福音關於耶穌登山變像的敘述對猶太人來說具有明確的意義 3. The bright Shekinah glory cloud over-shadowing the Tabernacle and the disciples falling face down to the ground like the priests in fear 明亮的神的同在的榮光雲籠罩著聖幕 門徒們像祭司一樣 面朝下跪在地上 驚恐不已。 4. Peter’s desired to build a tabernacle for the glory to remain 彼得渴望建造會幕 讓同在的榮耀永遠存在 5. The glory upon the face of Jesus like that of Moses upon the Mount 耶穌臉上的榮光就像摩西在山上的榮光一樣 , , 高 fi , fi , 6. The mountain becomes the holy mountain because God appeared upon it (2 Pet.1.18) 這座山因著神的顯現而成為聖山 (彼後1:18) 1. The Trans guration (一)登山變像 Matt. 17.1 Six days later Jesus *took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. 太17: 1 過了六天,耶穌帶著彼得、雅各、 和雅各的兄弟約翰,暗暗的上了 山。 High Mountain 高山 Three mountains have been suggested but no one can be certain: 有人提出三座山,但沒人能確定: 1.Mt Tabor (1800ft.) is the mount of church tradition where Emperor Constantine built the “Church of the Transfiguration” in 326AD 他泊山(1800 英尺)是教會傳統的 聖山,君 坦丁 帝於主後 326 年 在那裡建造了「顯聖容教堂」 高 大 fi 士 Mt. Tabor 他泊山 1. The Trans guration (一)登山變像 High Mountain 高山 Matt. 17.1 Six days later Jesus *took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. Three mountains have been suggested but no one can be certain: 有人提出三座山,但沒人能確定: 太17: 1 過了六天,耶穌帶著彼得、雅各、 和雅各的兄弟約翰,暗暗的上了 山。 2.Mt. Meron (3960ft.) in northeast Galilee and the highest mountain in Galilee along a trade route between Capernaum and Caesarea Philippi 倫山(3960 英尺)位於加利利東北 部,是在加利利最 的山,位於迦百 農和該撒利亞腓 比之間的貿易通道 3.Mt. Hermon (9166ft.) is the most likely spot as a ‘high’ mountain and directly up from Caesarea Philippi 山(9166 英尺)最有可能的 座 「 」山,位於該撒利亞腓 比之上 高 立 高 立 fi 米 門 高 黑 米 一 倫山 Mt. Meron 1. The Trans guration (一)登山變像 High Mountain 高山 Matt. 17.1 Six days later Jesus *took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. Three mountains have been suggested but no one can be certain: 有人提出三座山,但沒人能確定: 太17: 1 過了六天,耶穌帶著彼得、雅各、 和雅各的兄弟約翰,暗暗的上了 山。 倫山(3960 英尺)位於加利利東北 部,是在加利利最 的山,位於迦百 農和該撒利亞腓 比之間的貿易通道 黑門山 3.Mt. Hermon (9166ft.) is the most likely spot as a ‘high’ mountain and directly up from Caesarea Philippi 山(9166 英尺)最有可能的 座 「 」山,位於該撒利亞腓 比之上 一 高 立 高 立 fi 門 高 黑 該撒利亞腓立比 米 2.Mt. Meron (3960ft.) in northeast Galilee and the highest mountain in Galilee along a trade route between Capernaum and Caesarea Philippi 1. The Trans guration (一)登山變像 Matt. 17.1 Six days later Jesus *took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. 太17: 1 過了六天,耶穌帶著彼得、 雅各、和雅各的兄弟約翰,暗暗的上 了 山。 Six days connection 六天的關聯 Matthew Mark and Luke all note the number of days since the revelations of the confession of Jesus as Messiah, the revelation of the Church, and the Way of the Cross 馬太、馬可和路加都記錄了從耶穌 承認自己是彌賽亞、教會的啟示和 十字架之路以來的天數 fi 高 1. This is done to connect the Transfiguration to the former events 這樣做是為了將登山變像與先前 的事件連結起來 1. The Trans guration (一)登山變像 Matt. 17.1 Six days later Jesus *took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. 太17: 1 過了六天,耶穌帶著彼得、 雅各、和雅各的兄弟約翰,暗暗的上 了 山。 Six days connection 六天的關聯 2. The prophecy of 16:28 is also connected to the Transfiguration as they would live to see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom 16:28 的預言也連上了登山變像 因為他們會活著看見人子降臨在 祂的國度裡 , fi 高 a. They would see the coming in light of His Enthronement and Pentecost 他們將在祂的登寶座和五旬節 的亮光中看到國度的來臨 1. The Trans guration (一)登山變像 Six days connection 六天的關聯 Matt. 17.1 Six days later Jesus *took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. b. They would see the coming kingdom as the gospel was preached 當福 被傳揚時,他們會看到 即將到來的國度 太17: 1 過了六天,耶穌帶著彼得、 雅各、和雅各的兄弟約翰,暗暗的上 了 山。 c. They would see the coming kingdom in terms of Jerusalem’s judgment 他們會從耶路撒冷被審判的角度 來看即將到來的國度 見 門 fi 示 音 高 d. But here the three disciples would see the coming (parousia) revealed in the Transfiguration 但在這裡,三位 徒將看 基督再來(巴路西亞)在登山 變像中啟 出來 The Transfiguration 登山變像 We will refer to the other transfiguration references in Mark, Luke and 2 Peter to get the full picture 音 音 可福 、路加福 和彼得後書的其他 登山變像記載,以了解全貌 馬 我們將參考 1. The Trans guration (一)登山變像 Prayer Initiated 發起了祈禱 Matt. 17.1 Six days later Jesus *took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. 太17: 1 過了六天,耶穌帶著彼得、雅各、 和雅各的兄弟約翰,暗暗的上了 山。 Jesus took three disciples as he went up to pray to His Father 耶穌帶著三個門徒上去向天父禱告 Luke 9.28 Some eight days after these sayings, He took along Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. 路9: 28 說了這話以後,約有八天,耶穌帶 著彼得、約翰、雅各、上山去禱告。 高 面 , , , fi 白 Luke 9.29 And while He was praying, the appearance of His face became different, and His clothing became white and gleaming. 路9: 29 正禱告的時候,他的 貌就改變 了,衣服潔 放光。 1. The burden upon Jesus’ heart is revealed by the conversation he was having with Moses and Elijah in Lu.9.31 “speaking of His departure (exodus) which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.” 耶穌心中的負擔在祂與摩西和以利 亞的對話中顯露出來 被記載在 路加福音 9:31 中 「談論耶穌去 世(出去)的事 就是他在耶路撒 冷將要成的事。」 1. The Trans guration (一)登山變像 Prayer Initiated 發起了祈禱 Matt. 17.1 Six days later Jesus *took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. 太17: 1 過了六天,耶穌帶著彼得、雅各、 和雅各的兄弟約翰,暗暗的上了 山。 a. Moses had died upon a mountain in full strength and painlessly - but Jesus would be beaten, scourged and drained of life before death 摩西死在山上,渾身有 ,毫無 痛苦,但耶穌死前卻被毆打、 鞭笞, 命被倒空 死 Luke 9.28 Some eight days after these sayings, He took along Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. 路9: 28 說了這話以後,約有八天,耶穌帶 著彼得、約翰、雅各、上山去禱告。 高 力 面 而 fi 車 馬 白 生 十 Luke 9.29 And while He was praying, the appearance of His face became different, and His clothing became white and gleaming. 路9: 29 正禱告的時候,他的 貌就改變 了,衣服潔 放光。 b. Elijah was translated into heaven by a chariot without tasting death Jesus would be conveyed upward upon a cross and buried in death 以利亞乘 升天,沒有嚐到 死亡的滋味-耶穌將被舉起 在 字架上,死後被埋葬 1. The Trans guration (一)登山變像 Matt. 17.1 Six days later Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. 太17: 1 過了六天,耶穌帶著彼得、雅各、 和雅各的兄弟約翰,暗暗的上了 山。 Luke 9.28 Some eight days after these sayings, He took along Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. 路9: 28 說了這話以後,約有八天,耶穌 帶著彼得、約翰、雅各、上山去禱告。 高 面 fi 白 而 Luke 9.29 And while He was praying, the appearance of His face became different, and His clothing became white and gleaming. 路9: 29 正禱告的時候,他的 貌就改變 了,衣服潔 放光。 Answers to Jesus’ Prayers 耶穌禱告的答案 On the mount Jesus was strengthened by three Heavenly Manifestations 在山上,耶穌被三位屬天顯現者加 添力量 1. He was given a foretaste of the glory he had once known which would soon be His reward for the exodus He would take to redeem us 祂預先嚐到了曾經有過的榮耀, 這很快將成為祂因去世得以救贖 我們 要得的獎賞。 1. The Trans guration (一)登山變像 Answers to Jesus’ Prayers 耶穌禱告的答案 Matt. 17.1 Six days later Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. 太17: 1 過了六天,耶穌帶著彼得、雅各、 和雅各的兄弟約翰,暗暗的上了 山。 2. By the fellowship of Moses and Elijah he was further assured that the way of the cross was known and understood among the righteous made perfect in Heaven 透過摩西和以利亞的交通,祂更 確信, 字架的道路是在天上被 成全的義 中所知道和理解的。 Luke 9.28 Some eight days after these sayings, He took along Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. 路9: 28 說了這話以後,約有八天,耶穌 帶著彼得、約翰、雅各、上山去禱告。 高 面 音 fi 子 父 人 白 十 Luke 9.29 And while He was praying, the appearance of His face became different, and His clothing became white and gleaming. 路9: 29 正禱告的時候,他的 貌就改變 了,衣服潔 放光。 3. And finally His Father’s voice from heaven ‘set His face for Jerusalem:’ “This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased” Matt 17.5 最後,祂 的聲 從天上發出, 使祂『定意向耶路撒冷去。』: 『這是我的愛 ,我所喜悅的。』 (太17:5) 1. The Trans guration (一)登山變像 The Metamorphosis 變像 Matt. 17.2 And He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light. 太17: 2 就在他們 前變了形像,臉 明亮如 頭,衣裳潔 如光。 1. Jesus shone with a glory emanating from within and not just a cloud coming down upon him like the glory on the Tabernacle 耶穌的榮光是從裡面散發出來的 而不是像會幕上的榮光那樣 只 是一朵雲落在祂身上 Luke 9.29 And while He was praying, the appearance of His face became different, and His clothing became white and gleaming. 路9:29 正禱告的時候,他的 貌就改 變了,衣服潔 放光。 , 面 , 白 面 白 白 白 一 面 fi 白 一 日 Mark 9.3 and His garments became radiant and exceedingly white, as no launderer on earth can whiten them. 可9:3 衣服放光,極其潔 。地上漂 布的,沒有 個能漂得那樣 。 2. Three particulars 三個細節: a. Jesus’ face shone like the sun 耶穌的臉像太陽 樣閃耀 b. His garments became as white as light and gleaming 祂的衣服變得潔 如光,並且 閃閃發光 1. The Trans guration (一)登山變像 Matt. 17.2 And He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light. 太17: 2 就在他們 前變了形像,臉 明亮如 頭,衣裳潔 如光。 Luke 9.29 And while He was praying, the appearance of His face became different, and His clothing became white and gleaming. 路9:29 正禱告的時候,他的 貌就改 變了,衣服潔 放光。 面 白 面 白 , 白 面 fi 白 一 日 Mark 9.3 and His garments became radiant and exceedingly white, as no launderer on earth can whiten them. 可9: 3 衣服放光,極其潔 。地上漂 布的,沒有 個能漂得那樣 。 The Metamorphosis 變像 c. Moses and Elijah were seen speaking with Jesus within Jesus radiant Shekinah glory 摩西和以利亞在耶穌閃亮同在 的榮耀中與耶穌交談 3. The disciples were half asleep and only fully awoke to see the two men “as they were leaving” Lu.9:33 門徒們半睡半醒 直到他們 「要離開」時才完全醒來。 (路9:33) , 1. Peter suggested building three ‘booths’ for the three ‘holy men’ to remain on the Mount 彼得建議搭三座「棚」 讓三位 「聖人」留在山上 一 Matt. 17.4 Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here; if You wish, I will make three tabernacles here, one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” 太17: 4 彼得對耶穌說:「主阿,我 們在這裡真好。你若願意,我就在這 裡搭三座棚, 座為你、 座為摩 西、 座為以利亞。」 fi Peter’s Plan 彼得的計畫 一 一 1. The Trans guration (一)登山變像 2. Two reasons mentioned 提到的二個原因 a. Peter James and John were terrified of the heavenly vision yet somehow were drawn to remain in this mountain top experience 彼得、雅各和約翰對屬天的異象 感到害怕,但不知何故卻被吸引 留在這種山頂的體驗中 1. The Trans guration (一)登山變像 Peter’s Plan 彼得的計畫 Matt. 17.4 Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here; if You wish, I will make three tabernacles here, one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” 太17: 4 彼得對耶穌說:「主阿,我們在這 裡真好。你若願意,我就在這裡搭三座 棚, 座為你、 座為摩西、 座為以利 亞。」 b. Both Mark and Luke simply state that Peter had no idea what he was saying 可和路加都簡單地提到彼得 不知道 在說什麼 Mark 9.5 Peter *said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here; let us make three tabernacles, one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” 可9: 5 彼得對耶穌說:「拉比,我們在這 裡真好 可以搭三座棚, 座為你、 座 為摩西、 座為以利亞。」 , 十 一 十 一 : 一 , fi 一 , , 己 自 一 ; 一 馬 Mark 9.6 For he did not know what to answer; for they became terrified. 可9: 6 彼得不知道說甚麼纔好,因為他們 甚是懼怕。 3. But there was a more hidden reason: Peter’s flesh of self interest wanted to keep Jesus from the cross hoping his kingdom would come with a crown and not a cross - here Jesus could remain in Heaven’s ecstasy rather than go down to Jerusalem 但還有一個更隱密的原因 彼得出於 肉體的私利 想阻止耶穌上 字架 希望祂的國度能帶著冠冕而不是 字 架來臨—— 在這裡 耶穌可以留在天 堂的狂喜中 而不必下到耶路撒冷 1. The Trans guration (一)登山變像 Heaven’s Answer 天的回答 Matt. 17.5 While he was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am wellpleased; listen to Him!” 太17: 5 說話之間,忽然有 朵光明的 雲彩遮蓋他們,且有聲 從雲彩裡出來 說:「這是我的愛 ,我所喜悅的 你們要聽他。」 Matt. 17.6 When the disciples heard this, they fell face down to the ground and were terrified. 太17: 6 徒聽 ,就俯伏在地,極其 害怕。 Matt. 17.7 And Jesus came to them and touched them and said, “Get up, and do not be afraid.” 太17: 7 耶穌進前來,摸他們說: 「起來,不要害怕。」 1. Jesus gave no answer which was indeed an answer of silent rebuke 耶穌沒有回答 這其實是無聲的 責備 2. But then Heaven’s shekinah overshadowed the disciples God the Father spoke directly to them: “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!” 但隨後天堂的光芒籠罩了門徒 天父直接對他們說 「這是我的愛 子 我所喜悅的 你們要聽祂 」 3. Hearing what Peter later called the voice of “Majestic Glory” the three disciples fell on their faces in terror 聽到彼得後來稱之為「尊貴榮耀」 的聲音 三個門徒驚恐地俯伏在地 ; ! , 一 音 : ; 子 fi , 見 , 門 , 26 1. The Trans guration (一)登山變像 Heaven’s Answer 天的回答 4. The lessons learned 學到的功課: Matt. 17.6 When the disciples heard this, they fell face down to the ground and were terrified. 太17: 6 徒聽 ,就俯伏在地, 極其害怕。 a. The Father declared Jesus’ Sonship beyond any doubt 天 宣告耶穌是兒 ,毫無疑問 Matt. 17.7 And Jesus came to them and touched them and said, “Get up, and do not be afraid.” 太17: 7 耶穌進前來,摸他們說: 「起來,不要害怕。」 b. The Father pleased with Jesus chosen cross and told the disciples from now on to “listen to Jesus” when he spoke about His suffering on the cross 天 對耶穌選擇 字架感滿意, 並告訴 徒們從現在起,當祂 講述關於 在 字架上的苦難 時,要「聽耶穌的話」 Matt. 17.8 And lifting up their eyes, they saw no one except Jesus Himself alone. 太17: 8 他們舉 不 ,只 耶穌在那裡。 見 人 一 子 見 十 十 fi 目 見 己 自 門 門 父 父 27 1. The Trans guration (一)登山變像 Heaven’s Answer 天的回答 Matt. 17.6 When the disciples heard this, they fell face down to the ground and were terrified. 太17: 6 徒聽 ,就俯伏在地, 極其害怕。 4. The lessons learned 學到的功課: Matt. 17.7 And Jesus came to them and touched them and said, “Get up, and do not be afraid.” 太17: 7 耶穌進前來,摸他們說: 「起來,不要害怕。」 c. The Father also declared the word of Jesus was to be listened to beyond the Law of Moses or the prophets like Elijah 天 也宣稱,耶穌的話語比 摩西律法或以利亞等先知的 話語更應當聽從。 Matt. 17.8 And lifting up their eyes, they saw no one except Jesus Himself alone. 太17: 8 他們舉 不 ,只 耶穌在那裡。 見 人 一 見 fi 目 見 門 父 28 The Transfiguration: Significance 登山變像的意義 The transformation of Jesus is a revelation of His glory not as Divine but as a human being created in the image of God 耶穌的變化是關於祂榮耀的啟示,不是神,而是按照神的形像被造的人 1. Jesus was the first man to perfectly fulfill man’s glory and dominion 耶穌是第一個完美實現人類榮耀和統治的人 a. From innocence to holiness (sinless birth to baptism) 從純真到聖潔(無罪的降 到受浸) b. From holiness to proven righteousness (victorious though tempted in all ways yet without sin) 從聖潔到證實的公義(雖受到各 的試探,但得勝,無罪) c. From righteousness to the majestic glory of man’s destiny (2 Pet. 1:16-18) 面 方 類未來的尊貴榮耀(彼後1:16-18) 生 人 從公義到 The Transfiguration: Significance 登山變像的意義 2. The moment of realization changed his human body and his garments to glory (and reveals the hope of glory for all believers) 在領悟的那一刻改變了祂屬人的身體和祂的衣服都變成了榮耀 (並為所有的信徒揭示了榮耀的盼望) a. “His victorious humanity flashed forth with inherent glory as matter merged with spirit metamorphosing Him before the disciples” Morgan 摩根 ——「當物質與屬靈融合,在 徒 前變化時,祂得勝的 性閃耀 著與 俱來的榮耀」 人 面 門 生 生 b. “He was ready for passing into a spiritual existence carrying with Him his material body, changed so that it was ready for a life in heaven” Morgan 摩根 ——「祂已準備好帶著祂的物質身體進入屬靈的存在,被改變, 可以為天堂的 活做好準備。」 The Transfiguration: Kingdom Significance 登山變像—— 國度的意義 Yet Jesus turned from the mount to Calvary in order to attain a further glory 然而耶穌為了獲得更大的榮耀, 從山上轉向加略山 1. He was perfect and glorious as Son of Man but must fulfill His journey now as glorious King of Kings by going to Calvary 作為 ,祂是完美 榮耀的,但現在祂必須前 往加略山,完成祂的旅程,作為榮耀的萬王之王 而 子 人 子 2. He did not just return to Heaven in glory in order to bring “many sons to glory” Heb. 2:10 祂沒有榮耀地回到天上,乃是為了帶領「眾多的 兒 進入榮耀」(希伯來書 2:10) The Transfiguration: Kingdom Significance 登山變像—— 國度的意義 Yet Jesus turned from the mount to Calvary in order to attain a further glory 然而耶穌為了獲得更大的榮耀, 從山上轉向加略山 3. John 17:5 He would need to return to his Father and the eternal glory as Son of God in order to rule over Heaven and earth 約翰福 17:5 作為神的兒 ,祂需要回到祂的 那裡以及永恆的榮耀中,才能掌管天地 人 父 子 音 4. Matt. 25:31 He woud have to wait in glory until all His enemies are put under His feet before returning to His kingdom on earth 太25:31 祂必須在榮耀中等待,直到祂所有的敵 都被踩在祂的腳下,然後才回到祂在地上的國度 2 Pet. 1.16 For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty. 彼後1:16 我們從前,將我們主耶穌基督的 能,和他降臨的事,告訴你們,並不是隨從 乖巧捏造的虛 ,乃是親眼 過他的威榮。 2 Pet. 1.17 For when He received honor and glory from God the Father, such an utterance as this was made to Him by the Majestic Glory, “This is My beloved Son with whom I am well-pleased” — 大 見 音 父 言 fi 門 子 彼後1:17 他從 神得尊貴榮耀的時候,從 極 榮光之中,有聲 出來向他說:「這是 我的愛 ,我所喜悅的。」 大 十 Vision in the “school of Christ” 在「基督的學校」裡的異象 The Trans guration demonstrates the importance of Vision to understand the Kingdom Way from the Cross to the Glory 登山變像顯示了異象對於理解從 字架到榮耀的天國之路的重要性 1. Peter and the disciples thought that Jesus suffering and death would end His ministry in failure, reproach, dishonor and despair 彼得和 徒們以為耶穌的受苦和 死亡會使祂的職事以失敗、責備、 羞辱和絕望告終 Vision in the “school of Christ” 在「基督的學校」裡的異象 2 Pet. 1.18 and we ourselves heard this utterance made from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain. 彼後1:18 我們同他在聖山的時候,親 聽 這聲 從天上出來。 1. When Peter saw Moses and Elijah talking to Jesus about the “exodus that he was to accomplish at Jerusalem” he understood that it was the way to glorious victory for the Lord Jesus 當彼得看到摩西和以利亞與耶穌談論 「祂要在耶路撒冷完成的離去」時, 他明 這是主耶穌 向榮耀得勝的路 心 自 言 言 言 走 音 見 白 見 2 Pet. 1.19 So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning 2. So Peter later tells us his vision of Christ on the Holy Mount “made more star arises in your hearts. sure” the prophecies regarding the 彼後1:19 我們並有先知更確的預 ,如同 Messiah that are in God’s Word 燈照在暗處。你們在這預 上留 因此彼得後來告訴我們,他在聖山上 意,直等到天發亮晨星在你們 所 的基督的異象「更證實了」在神 裡出現的時候,纔是好的。 的話語中關於彌賽亞的預 Next Week: 下週: Down in the Vale of Woe 音 下到悲慘之 谷 馬 太 Gospel of Matthew 福