心 谷 Chapter 17.9-27: From Vision on the Mount to faith in the “vale of tears” 17:9-27: 從山上的異像到「流淚 」裡的信 音 馬 太福 Motif: “The Kingdom mountains” 主題:「國度的山」 Mount of Commission 差遣的山 (28) Ba ion iss mm Co 差遣 ’s en 的 ng av 天 mi 臨 He 屬 Co 來 ’s 次 en y or av 第 Gl He 的 天 ing 屬 m r 耀 sfo 榮 an 化 Tr 變 ’s 的 en 天 av 屬 He Mountain of Transfiguration Mount of Mountain Revelation Olives 變化山 啟示的山 橄欖山 (17) (16.13-28) (24-25) n sio Vi ly 象 en 異 av 的 He 屬天 s rce sou Re 源 en 的資 av He 屬天 ed ess Bl 祝福 fe Li 蒙了 ly en 命 av s He 的 lie 天 en 屬 av he 戰 the in 的爭 es ttl 屬天 Mount of Temptation 試探山 (4) Mount of Blessing 祝福山 (5) Mountain of Bread 餅的山 (15.29) 二 生 Matthew’s 7 Spiritual Mountains 馬太福音7個屬靈的山 One Central Kingdom Revelation Generating Three Subsequent Revealings 個中 的國度啟 後續的啟 產 黑門山 了三個 該撒利亞腓立比 Father’s Mystery: the Christ 父的奧秘 基督 Son’s Mystery: the Church 子的奧秘 教會 Church’s Mystery: the Cross 教會的奧秘 字架 Disciple’s Mystery: the Cost 示 生 代價 示 十 : : 音 示 : : 門徒的奧秘 心 一 馬 Matthew 16: Foundation of Revelation 太福 16章:啟 的基礎 你們說我是誰? Matthew 17.1-8: From Revelation to Vision 馬太福音17:1-8 從啟示到異象 2Pet. 1.16 For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty. 彼後 1:16 我們從前,將我們主耶穌基督的 能,和他降臨的事,告訴你們。並不是隨從 乖巧捏造的虛 ,乃是親眼 過他的威榮。 The Transfiguration brought three disciples into a heavenly vision of Christ in Glory 耶穌變像使三位門徒看見了基督在天上的榮耀 大 見 言 十 子 人 1. “After six days” of pondering why their Messiah should have to endure the cross Peter James and John saw the Son of Man transformed in Divine Glory 經過「六天」的思考,為什麼他們的彌賽亞必須 忍受 字架的苦難,彼得、雅各和約翰看到了 在神聖榮耀中變像 Matthew 17.1-8: From Revelation to Vision 馬太福音17:1-8 從啟示到異象 2Pet. 1.16 For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty. 彼後 1:16 我們從前,將我們主耶穌基督的 能,和他降臨的事,告訴你們。並不是隨從 乖巧捏造的虛 ,乃是親眼 過他的威榮。 2. The Father’s Voice from Heaven declared Jesus as His Beloved Son and his coming ‘exodus’ as pleasing to Him and part of Heaven’s plan 來 天上天 的聲 宣告耶穌是祂的愛 , 祂即將「出去」,這是祂所喜悅 的,也是天國計畫的 部分 3. The disciples themselves were overshadowed by the Shekinah Glory and united under vision’s restraint to “Hear with the Heart” what Jesus says 徒們被神同在的榮光所籠罩,在異象的約束下團結 致,「 聆聽」 耶穌說的話 心 用 一 而 子 大 見 心 人 一 言 音 父 自 門 4. The Heavenly Vision on the mount quickened the hearts of the three men transforming discouragement into living hope as their viewpoint metamorphosed from the earthly to the heavenly 山上的天國異象激發了三個 的 ,當他們的觀點從屬地的轉變為屬天的,就將 沮喪轉化為活潑的盼望 The Transfiguration: Significance 登山變像的意義 The transformation of Jesus is a revelation of His glory not as Divine but as a human being created in the image of God 耶穌的變化啟示了祂的榮耀不是屬神的而是按照神的形像所造的人 1. Jesus was the first man to perfectly fulfill man’s glory and destiny 耶穌是第一個完美實現人類榮耀和歸宿的人 a. From innocence to holiness (sinless birth to baptism) 從純真到聖潔(無罪的降 到受浸) b. From holiness to proven righteousness (victorious though tempted in all ways yet without sin) 從聖潔到證實的公義(雖受到各 的試探,但得勝,無罪) c. From righteousness to the majestic glory of man’s destiny (2 Pet. 1:16-18) 面 方 類未來的尊貴榮耀(彼後1:16-18) 生 人 從公義到 The Transfiguration: Significance 登山變像的意義 2. This momentary effulgence of glory shone out from within his human body and even made his garments bright 這瞬間的光輝從祂的肉身中散發出來 甚至使祂的衣服也變得明亮 a. “His victorious humanity flashed forth with inherent glory as matter merged with spirit metamorphosing Him before the disciples” Morgan 摩根 ——「當物質與屬靈融合,在 徒 前變化時,祂得勝的 性閃耀 著與 俱來的榮耀」 人 面 , 門 生 生 b. “He was ready for passing into a spiritual existence carrying with Him his material body, changed so that it was ready for a life in heaven” Morgan 摩根 ——「祂已準備好帶著祂的物質身體進入屬靈的存在,被改變, 可以為天堂的 活做好準備。」 The Transfiguration: Kingdom Significance 登山變像—— 國度的意義 1. Jesus as perfect and glorious Son of Man now reveals His mission to fulfill His journey as God’s Servant by going to Calvary 耶穌作為完全 榮耀的 ,現在揭 了祂的 使命,即前往加略山,完成他作為神僕 的 旅程 2. He must bring “many sons to glory” Heb. 2:10 祂必須領「許多的兒 進榮耀裡去」(來2:10) 人 示 子 人 子 而 3. He must conquer sin and death in order to have an eternal kingdom 祂必須戰勝罪惡和死亡,才能擁有永恆的國度 Tonight - Matthew 17.9-27: spiritual development in the “school of Christ” 今晚 馬太福音 17:9-27 —— 在「基督的學校」裡的屬靈發展 1. Revelation of Christ as the Messiah at Caesarea Philippi begins to enlighten the disciple’s understanding of the Word of God 在該撒利亞腓 比,基督作為彌賽亞的啟 開始啟發 徒們對神的話語的理解 2. Vision of the Glori ed Son of Man is now tests the disciples’ faith back down in the ‘Vale of Tears’ 被榮耀的 異象現在在「流淚 」考驗 徒們的信 示 谷 fi 立 心 子 人 門 足 : 門 一 3. A vital lesson in the Sovereignty of the Lord is experienced as the Lord provides for physical needs 當主滿 物質所需時,我們就經歷到主主權的 個重要功課 我們的主的登山變像 Matthew 17.9-27 Walk of Faith 馬太福音17:9-27 信心的路 Kingdom Service Proven in the Valley 在山谷中證明國度的服事 1. Matt. 17.9-13 The mystery of Elijah 太17: 9-13 以利亞的奧秘 2. Matt. 17.14-21 Valley of Tears 太17: 14-21 流淚 3. Matt. 17.22-23 Cross is Jesus’ Destiny 太17: 22-23 字架是耶穌的歸宿 谷 十 4. Matt. 17.24-27 Temple Tax Miracle 太17: 24-27 殿稅的神蹟 Matt. 17.9-13 The mystery of Elijah 馬太福音17:9-13 以利亞的奧秘 以利亞 ? 士 文 門 Matt. 17.10 And His disciples asked Him, “Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?” 太17:10 徒問耶穌說:「 為甚麼說以利亞必須先來 」 Descending the Mount 下 Matt. 17.9 As they were coming down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them, saying, “Tell the vision to no one until the Son of Man has risen from the dead.” 太17:9 下山的時候,耶穌吩咐他們說: 「 還沒有從死裡復活,你們不要 將所看 的告訴 。」 士 文 十 ? 人 人 門 見 子 山 人 Matt. 17.10 And His disciples asked Him, “Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?” 太17:10 徒問耶穌說:「 為甚麼 說以利亞必須先來 」 Vision raises questions 異象引發了疑問 1. Jesus commanded the three to keep the vision secret until after His resurrection 耶穌吩咐三 保守這個秘密,直到 祂復活之後 2. Vision stirred up questions about vital matters of the cross, the resurrection and the kingdom’s coming: 異象引發了關於 字架、復活和 國度到來等重要事件的問題: Descending the Mount 下 Vision raises questions 異象引發了疑問 Mark 9.9 As they were coming down from the mountain, He gave them orders not to relate to anyone what they had seen, until the Son of Man rose from the dead. 可9:9 下山的時候,耶穌囑咐他們說: 「 還沒有從死裡復活,你們不要將 所看 的告訴 。」 - The revelation of the cross at Caesarea Philippi raised questions now as Jesus told them to ‘shut up the vision’ until he was risen from the dead Dan.8.26 該撒利亞腓 比的 字架啟 引起了 疑問,因為耶穌告訴他們「封住這 異象」,直到祂從死裡復活 但8:26 Mark 9.10 They seized upon that statement, discussing with one another what rising from the dead meant. 可9:10 徒將這話存記在 ,彼此議論 從死裡復活是甚麼意思。 士 示 文 心 ? 十 二 人 立 門 見 子 山 人 Mark 9.11 They asked Him, saying, “Why is it that the scribes say that Elijah must come first?” 可9:11 他們就問耶穌說:「 為甚麼 說,以利亞必須先來 」 - Seeing Jesus as Messiah and then the Vision of Elijah on the mount raised questions regarding what the Word of God said about Elijah’s second coming 看到耶穌是彌賽亞,然後又看到以利亞 在山上的異象,引發了關於神的話提到 關於以利亞第 次來臨的疑問 Coming of Elijah 以利亞的來臨 Mal. 4.5 “Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD. 瑪 4:5 看哪,耶和華 可畏之 未到 以前,我必差遣先知以利亞到你們那 裡去。 Disciples Search the Word 門徒們查考聖經 1. Malachi speaks of a return of Elijah to prepare the way of the Lord by restoring families before the ‘Day of the Lord’ would come with judgment’s curse upon the unjust nations of the world 瑪拉基書提到以利亞將回來 在「主的 日子」來審判咒詛世上不公義的國家 之前 恢復家庭來預備主的 道路 Mal. 4.6 “He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.” 日 , 而 心 大 父 父 , 心 瑪 4:6 他必使 親的 轉向兒女,兒女 的 轉向 親,免得我來咒詛遍地。 以利亞以及第二次來臨 , 人 生 見 心 生 ; 2 Esdr. 6.26 And they shall see the men who were taken up, who from their birth have not tasted death; and the heart of the earth’s inhabitants shall be changed and converted to a different spirit. 拉續下6:26 他們要看 那些被舉上升的, 就是那從 在世上沒有嘗過死味的 。民 的 必更改,變成別的意念。 2Esdr. 6.27 For evil shall be blotted out, and deceit shall be quenched; 拉續下6:27 因爲罪惡必要滅亡,詭計必要 息 2Esdr. 6.28 faithfulness shall flourish, and corruption shall be overcome, and the truth, which has been so long without fruit, shall be revealed.” 拉續下6:28 信 要興旺。必朽壞的要衰 亡。眞理,就是這常久不 效果的,要顯 現出來。 心 止 人 Coming of Elijah 以利亞的來臨 Disciples Search the Word 門徒們查考聖經 2. 2 Esdras and other scriptures in the apocryphal Old Testament expanded upon this mission of Elijah also restoring a heart of righteousness and faithfulness in Israel 以斯拉續篇下卷和舊約次經中的其他 經文詳細闡述了以利亞的這項使命 也是在以色列恢復了公義和忠誠之心 以斯拉續篇 Coming of Elijah 以利亞的來臨 Disciples Search the Word 門徒們查考聖經 Matt. 17.10 And His disciples asked Him, “Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?” 太17:10 徒問耶穌說:「 為甚麼說 以利亞必須先來 」 3. Two questions: (disciples seeking light) 二個問題(門徒們尋求亮光) Mark 9.9 As they were coming down from the mountain, He gave them orders not to relate to anyone what they had seen, until the Son of Man rose from the dead. 可9:9 下山的時候,耶穌囑咐他們說: 「 還沒有從死裡復活,你們不要將 所看 的告訴 。」 士 ? 色 文 心 ? 人 ? 門 門 見 子 士 人 文 Mark 9.10 They seized upon that statement, discussing with one another what rising from the dead meant. 可9:10 徒將這話存記在 ,彼此議論 從死裡復活是甚麼意思。 a. Since Jesus the Messiah is already here, is the Scribe’s interpretation right that Elijah must come first? 既然彌賽亞耶穌已經降臨,那麼 的解釋是否正確,即以利亞 必須先降臨 b. And if Elijah comes first to restore Israel, why would the Messiah need to suffer, die and rise from the dead? 如果以利亞先來恢復以 列, 那麼彌賽亞為什麼需要受苦、 死亡然後從死裡復活呢 Jesus Exegetes Scripture 耶穌詮釋聖經 Matt. 17.11 And He answered and said, “Elijah is coming and will restore all things; 太17:11 耶穌回答說:「以利亞固然先 來,並要復興萬事 Matt. 17.12 but I say to you that Elijah already came, and they did not recognize him, but did to him whatever they wished. So also the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands.” 太17:12 只是我告訴你們,以利亞已經來 了, 卻不認識他,竟任意待他。 也將要這樣受他們的害。 子 , 人 , , 白 ; , 門 人 Matt. 17.13 Then the disciples understood that He had spoken to them about John the Baptist. 太17:13 徒這纔明 耶穌所說的,是指 著施洗的約翰。 Coming of Elijah 以利亞的來臨 1. Jesus agrees with the Scribes that Elijah is yet to come to restore all things 耶穌同意文士的觀點 認為以利亞 還沒有來復興萬事 2. But Elijah has already come in kingdom mystery but was not recognized and treated with suffering and death 但以利亞已在國度的奧秘中來臨 但卻未被認出 並承受痛苦和死亡 3. So also in this same way the Son of Man will be rejected and suffer death 人子也要這樣被棄絕 並遭害受死 Coming of Elijah 以利亞的來臨 Matt. 17.12 but I say to you that Elijah already came, and they did not recognize him, but did to him whatever they wished. So also the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands.” 太17:12 只是我告訴你們,以利亞已經來了, 卻不認識他,竟任意待他。 也將要 這樣受他們的害。 4. The hidden kingdom mystery was Isaiah’s suffering servant which involved both the forerunner and the Messiah 隱藏的國度之謎是以賽亞受苦的僕人 這涉及先驅者和彌賽亞 Matt. 17.13 Then the disciples understood that He had spoken to them about John the Baptist. 太17:13 徒這纔明 耶穌所說的,是指著施 洗的約翰。 約翰「帶著以利亞的靈」 來,但 他不是將來要來的以利亞(啟11章) a. John came “in the spirit of Elijah” but was not the Elijah to come (Rev. 11) b. The preparation must be more than national but spiritual by a new birth 預備必須超過是國家層 藉著新 帶來屬靈的 , 而 子 人 而 面 白 這是以利亞的日子嗎? 生 的, 且是 c. Only the Messiah’s sacrifice could conquer sin and death bringing in an eternal kingdom 只有彌賽亞的犧牲才能戰勝罪和死, 帶來永恆的國度 預備主的道路 門 人 Jesus Exegetes Scripture 耶穌詮釋聖經 Coming of Elijah 以利亞的來臨 Matt. 17.12 but I say to you that Elijah already came, and they did not recognize him, but did to him whatever they wished. So also the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands.” 太17:12 只是我告訴你們,以利亞已經來了, 卻不認識他,竟任意待他。 也將要 這樣受他們的害。 4. The hidden kingdom mystery was m e h t d e p Isaiah’s suffering servant which l e h r e w s n a ’ s u s e J Lesson: involved both the forerunner and the e h t f o m o d g n i k e h t s a t a Messiah h t d n a underst a s i e r e h t 隱藏的國度之謎是以賽亞受苦的僕人 n i g n i heavens is com nd then ing a這涉及先驅者和彌賽亞 prophetic com John came “in the spirit of Elijah” n o i Matt. 17.13 Then the disciples understood that ical reaa. t a z i l phys but was not the Elijah to come (Rev. 11) finthealBaptist. He had spoken to them aboutaJohn 太17:13 徒這纔明 洗的約翰。 , 明 約翰「帶著以利亞的靈」 來,但 們 他 助 幫 答 回 的 教訓:耶穌 他不是將來要來的以利亞(啟11章) , 臨 來 的 性 預 是 b. The preparation must be more than 天國的來臨, 先 national but spiritual by a new birth 就 成 的 然後是最終的實體 預備必須超過是國家層 的, 且是 耶穌所說的,是指著施 藉著新 白 , 言 而 子 人 而 面 首 白 這是以利亞的日子嗎? 生 帶來屬靈的 c. Only the Messiah’s sacrifice could conquer sin and death bringing in an eternal kingdom 只有彌賽亞的犧牲才能戰勝罪和死, 帶來永恆的國度 預備主的道路 門 人 Jesus Exegetes Scripture 耶穌詮釋聖經 Matt. 17.14-21 Valley of Tears 馬太福音 17:14-21 流淚谷 Raphael’s “Transfiguration” 拉斐爾的《登山變像》 Matt. 17.14 When they came to the crowd, a man came up to Jesus, falling on his knees before Him and saying, 太17:14 耶穌和 徒到了眾 那裡, 有 個 來 耶穌,跪下,說: Matt. 17.16 “I brought him to Your disciples, and they could not cure him.” 太17:16 我帶他到你 徒那裡,他們卻不 能醫治他。 : 見 人 士 文 門 門 門 見 , , 人 , Mark 9.14 When they came back to the disciples, they saw a large crowd around them, and some scribes arguing with them. 可9:14 耶穌到了 徒那裡看 有許多 圍著他們,又有 和他們辯論。 一 人 Jesus Mobbed by a Crowd 耶穌被群眾包圍 Scribes and 9 Disciples Arguing 文士與 9 位門徒爭論 1. Religious arguments often cover up spiritual impotence as neither side could help the situation 宗教性的爭論常常掩蓋屬靈的無 能 因為雙方都無法改變現狀 2. The disciples had been given authority over demons and healing power which they had experienced in ministry but here they failed: 門徒被賦予了勝過魔鬼和醫治的 能力 這是他們在傳道工作中所 經歷的 但是在這裡他們失敗了 Mark 9.14 When they came back to the disciples, they saw a large crowd around them, and some scribes arguing with them. 可9:14 耶穌到了 徒那裡看 有許多 圍著他們,又有 和他們辯論。 Mark 9.15 Immediately, when the entire crowd saw Him, they were amazed and began running up to greet Him. 可9:15 眾 耶穌,都甚希奇,就 跑上去問他的安。 見 力 士 士 文 文 力 門 ? 見 一 人 人 士 文 Mark 9.16 And He asked them, “What are you discussing with them?” 可9:16 耶穌問他們說:「你們和他們 辯論的是甚麼 」 門 人 Jesus Mobbed by a Crowd 耶穌被群眾包圍 Scribes and 9 Disciples Arguing 文士與 9 位門徒爭論 a. The Scribes always had scriptural and legalistic reasons that rationalized their lack of power 總是有聖經和法律上的理由 來合理化他們缺乏的能 b. But the embarrassing question was why the disciples were impotent (the Scribes were probably saying it was because Jesus was not there) 但令 尷尬的問題是,為什麼 徒們無能為 ( 們可能 說這是因為耶穌不在場) 見 士 , 文 門 , ? 見 一 Mark 9.14 When they came back to the disciples, they saw a large crowd around them, and some scribes arguing with them. 可9:14 耶穌到了 徒那裡看 有許多 圍著他們,又有 和他們辯論。 Mark 9.15 Immediately, when the entire crowd saw Him, they were amazed and began running up to greet Him. 可9:15 眾 耶穌,都甚希奇,就 跑上去問他的安。 Mark 9.16 And He asked them, “What are you discussing with them?” 可9:16 耶穌問他們說:「你們和他們 辯論的是甚麼 」 人 人 Jesus Mobbed by a Crowd 耶穌被群眾包圍 Scribes and 9 Disciples Arguing 文士與 9 位門徒爭論 3. The crowd was astonished because Jesus suddenly appeared just at the right time and they rushed toward him 群眾很驚訝 因為耶穌突然在 適當的時機出現 他們紛紛 衝向祂 Jesus Hears the Tragic Story 耶穌聽到了一個悲慘的故事 Life in the Valley of Tears 在流淚 的 活 Matt. 17.14 When they came to the crowd, a man came up to Jesus, falling on his knees before Him and saying, 太17:14 耶穌和 徒到了眾 那裡, 有 個 來 耶穌,跪下,說: Matthew gives only brief details but Mark and Luke add background: 馬太只提供了簡要的細節,但馬可和路 加補充了背景 Matt. 17.15 “Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is a lunatic and is very ill; for he often falls into the fire and often into the water. 太17:15 「主阿,憐憫我的兒 ,他害 癲癇的病很苦 屢次跌在 裡,屢次 跌在 裡。 , 子 , 人 火 , 門 fi 生 門 ; 見 谷 人 水 fi 一 Matt. 17.16 “I brought him to Your disciples, and they could not heal him.” 太17:16 我帶他到你 徒那裡,他們卻 不能醫治他。」 1. He is the father’s “only son” 他是父親的“獨生子” 2. Possessed of a mute spirit 被啞巴鬼附身 3. His seizures make him fall to ground in convulsions and foaming at the mouth 他的癲癇發作讓他倒在地上 抽搐著 口吐白沫 4. He often falls into the water or into the re 他經常掉進水裡或火裡 5. When the spirit nally leaves it tears at him 當邪靈最終離開時 牠撕裂他 Jesus Hears the Tragic Story 耶穌聽到了一個悲慘的故事 Life in the Valley of Tears 在流淚 的 活 Matt. 17.14 When they came to the crowd, a man came up to Jesus, falling on his knees before Him and saying, 太17:14 耶穌和 徒到了眾 那裡, 有 個 來 耶穌,跪下,說: All 3 synoptics record this event as a stark contrast to the glorious moment just spent up the mount 三本符類福音書都記錄了這一事 件,與剛剛在山上度過的輝煌時刻 形成了鮮明的對比 Matt. 17.15 “Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is a lunatic and is very ill; for he often falls into the fire and often into the water. 太17:15 「主阿,憐憫我的兒 ,他害 癲癇的病很苦 屢次跌在 裡,屢次 跌在 裡。 子 人 火 門 生 門 ; 見 谷 人 水 ffi 一 Matt. 17.16 “I brought him to Your disciples, and they could not heal him.” 太17:16 我帶他到你 徒那裡,他們卻 不能醫治他。」 The reality of the tragedy of sin and death was indeed very di cult and life threatening in this case needing exorcism, healing, and restoring 罪與死的悲劇現實確實非常艱難, 在這種情況下危及生命,需要 趕鬼、治療和恢復 The King is Grieved 王感到傷心 Generational Unbelief 世代的不信 Matt. 17.17 And Jesus answered and said, “You unbelieving and perverted generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring him here to Me.” 1. Jesus seems to include the crowd, the Scribes and even the disciples in His grievance over Israel’s generational unrighteousness which had produced this unbelief, failure, arguing, blaming and spiritual oppression: 耶穌似乎把群眾、文士甚至門徒都包括在 以色列世代以來不義的苦境中 這種不義 產生了不信、失敗、爭論、指責和屬靈的 壓迫 太17:17 耶穌說:「噯,這又不信又悖 謬的世代阿,我在你們這裡要到幾時 呢 我忍耐你們要到幾時呢 把他帶 到我這裡來罷。」 人 一 ? ? , ? 文 : ? Mark 9.19 And He *answered them and *said, “O unbelieving generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring him to Me!” 可9:19 耶穌說:「噯,不信的世代 阿,我在你們這裡要到幾時呢 我忍 耐你們要到幾時呢 把他帶到我這裡 來罷。」 a. Unbelief is the root cause allowing the entrance and oppression of Satan among God’s children 不信是允許撒旦進入神兒女中間壓制 的根本原因 b. Perversion lit. in Gk = twisting means this generation has twisted the Word from the truth into unbelief 悖謬在希臘 中 = 扭曲, 意味著這 代 已經將神的道從真理扭曲為不信 水 小 見 一 火 , , 2. Jesus remained calm as the spirit threw the child into wild convulsions as he drew near to Jesus’ Presence 當孩子靠近耶穌時 邪靈使他劇烈 抽搐 但耶穌保持鎮靜 , Mark 9.20 They brought the boy to Him. When he saw Him, immediately the spirit threw him into a convulsion, and falling to the ground, he began rolling around and foaming at the mouth. 可9:20 他們就帶了他來。他 耶穌,鬼 便叫他重重的抽瘋,倒在地上,翻來覆 去, 中流沫。 Mark 9.21 And He asked his father, “How long has this been happening to him?” And he said, “From childhood. 可9:21 耶穌問他 親說:「他得這病,有 多少 呢 」回答說:「從 的時 候。」 Mark 9.22 “It has often thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destroy him. 可9:22 「鬼屢次把他扔在 裡、 裡,要 滅他。你若能作甚麼,求你憐憫我們,幫 助我們。」 父 Generational Unbelief 世代的不信 ? , , 子 日 口 The King is Grieved 王感到傷心 3. Jesus asks the father when all this began and was told this tragic situation started when he was a child (so not his fault) and the spirit has often tried to destroy him 耶穌問父親這一切是從什麼時候開 始的 父親告訴他 這種悲慘的情 況始於他還是個孩子的時候(所以 不是他的錯) 而邪靈經常試圖 毀滅他 Matt. 17.18 And Jesus rebuked him, and the demon came out of him, and the boy was cured at once. 太17:18 耶穌斥責那鬼,鬼就出來。從此 孩 就痊愈了。 Mark 9.22… But if You can do anything, have compassion upon us and help us!” 可9:22 你若能作甚麼,求你憐憫我們, 幫助我們。」 Mark 9.23 But Jesus said to him, “‘If You can?[!]’ All things are possible for the one who believes.” 可9:23 耶穌對他說:「你若能信,在信的 ,凡事都能。」 , 己 自 子 立 心 , 父 子 見 人 子 ⋯ 足 Mark 9.24 Immediately the boy’s father cried out and said, “I do believe; help my unbelief!” 可9:24 孩 的 親 時喊著說:「我信。但 我信不 ,求主幫助。」 ⋯ 人 The Kingdom Issue 國度的問題 Faith 信心 Mark gives us faith’s dialog as an example of the inner dynamics of kingdom faith 馬可為我們提供了信心的對話,作為國度 信心的內在動力的一個例子 1. The man in desperation throws the responsibility upon Jesus’ mercy for help 那人在絕望中 以求幫助 將責任拋於耶穌的憐憫 a. Unbelief blames the problem upon secondary causes beyond one’s control 不信的 把問題歸咎於 無法控制的 次要原因 b. Looking continually at the outward circumstances chokes out any seeds of faith in the unseen sown 不斷地關注外在的情況會扼殺任何 不憑眼 的信 種 Matt. 17.18 And Jesus rebuked him, and the demon came out of him, and the boy was cured at once. 太17:18 耶穌斥責那鬼,鬼就出來。從此 孩 就痊愈了。 Mark 9.22… But if You can do anything, have compassion upon us and help us!” 可9:22 你若能作甚麼,求你憐憫我們, 幫助我們。」 Mark 9.23 But Jesus said to him, “‘If You can?[!]’ All things are possible for the one who believes.” 可9:23 耶穌對他說:「你若能信,在信的 ,凡事都能。」 , , , , , 立 父 子 子 ⋯ 足 ⋯ Mark 9.24 Immediately the boy’s father cried out and said, “I do believe; help my unbelief!” 可9:24 孩 的 親 時喊著說:「我信。但 我信不 ,求主幫助。」 , 人 The Kingdom Issue 國度的問題 Faith 信心 2. Jesus ‘throws’ the responsibility right back at the father challenging his faith to believe “all things are possible” with God 耶穌把責任’拋’回給父親 挑戰他的信 心 讓他相信在神「凡事都能」 3. The desperate man humbly confesses his unbelief and throws himself completely upon Jesus to help quicken his faith 這個絕望的人謙卑地承認他的不信 並完全投身於耶穌 希望耶穌能幫助 他重振信心 4. The man thus placed his little seed of faith in God through Jesus thereby making the man a co-worker in this miracle 這個人因此透過耶穌 把自己小小的 信心種子種在神裡面 使他成了這個 神蹟的同工 The Disciple’s Issue 門徒們的問題 Extraordinary Faith 非凡的信心 Matt. 17.19 Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not drive it out?” 太17:19 徒暗暗的到耶穌跟前說:「我們為甚麼 不能趕出那鬼呢 」 Faith is also the issue as the disciples admit their failure Matt. 17.20 And He *said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. 太17:20 耶穌說:「是因你們的信 。我實在告 訴你們,你們若有信 像 粒芥菜種,就是對這 座山說:「你從這邊挪到那邊」,他也必挪去 並且你們沒有 件不能作的事了。 Matt. 17.21 [“But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”] 太17:21 至於這 類的鬼,若不禱告禁食,他就不 出來。 ; 面 人 小 心 小 行 一 心 人 用 心 小 ? 一 一 力 一 門 二 Mark 9.29 And he said to them, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.” 可9:29 耶穌說:「非 禱告,〔有古卷在此有禁 食 字〕這 類的鬼,總不能出來。」 門徒們承認失敗, 問題也是在於信心 1. Jesus again calls them‘little faithers’ unready for this multi-pronged kingdom battle with the enemy 耶穌再次稱他們為「 信的 」, 沒有準備好與敵 進 這場多層 的 國度之戰 2. Jesus says their little faith (their gifts, anointing and power) has been able to move mountains before making “nothing impossible to you” 耶穌說他們的 信 (他們的恩賜、 恩膏和能 )已經能夠移山,以致對 他們來說,「沒有什麼是不可能」 The Disciple’s Issue 門徒們的問題 Extraordinary Faith 非凡的信心 Matt. 17.19 Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not drive it out?” 太17:19 徒暗暗的到耶穌跟前說:「我們為甚麼 不能趕出那鬼呢 」 Faith is also the issue as the disciples admit their failure Matt. 17.20 And He *said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. 太17:20 耶穌說:「是因你們的信 。我實在告 訴你們,你們若有信 像 粒芥菜種,就是對這 座山說:「你從這邊挪到那邊」,他也必挪去 並且你們沒有 件不能作的事了。 Matt. 17.21 [“But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”] 太17:21 至於這 類的鬼,若不禱告禁食,他就不 出來。 ; 士 文 小 心 一 用 心 ? 一 大 一 一 一 門 二 Mark 9.29 And he said to them, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.” 可9:29 耶穌說:「非 禱告,〔有古卷在此有禁 食 字〕這 類的鬼,總不能出來。」 門徒們承認失敗, 問題也是在於信心 3. “But this kind…” - kingdom battles standing against a bulwark of satanic possession along with scribal teachings, generational unbelief, blaming secondary causes, past failures, and chronic physical sickness needs something more 「至於這 類的…」——國度之戰 抵抗撒旦附身的堡壘,以及 的教 導、世代相傳的不信、歸咎於次要 原因、過去的失敗和慢性身體疾病 需要更強 的東西來對抗 The Kingdom Path of Faith 國度的信心之路 Matt. 17.21 [“But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”] 太17:21 至於這一類的鬼、若不禱告禁食、他就不出來。〔或作不能趕他出來〕 This disputed verse (Matt.17.21) is actually an essential ‘punchline’ to the story 這節有爭議的經文(馬太福音 17:21)實際上是這個故事的關鍵「妙語」 1. The disciples lacked “faith for this path” because they had not yet learned the “path for this faith” 徒缺乏「為著這道路的信 」,因為他們還沒有學會「為著這信 2. A life of prayer and communion prepares one for the unexpected kingdom challenges that come up 對意想不到的國度挑戰 心 準備好 面 心 活能讓 人 生 門 禱告與交通的 的道路」 Matt. 17.21 [“But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”] 太17:21 至於這一類的鬼、若不禱告禁食、他就不出來。〔或作不能趕他出來〕 3. A life of fasting loosens the world’s grip enabling one to see beyond outward causation and then use the keys of the kingdom 禁食的 活可以鬆開世界的束縛,使 能 看超越外在的因素,然後使 天國的鑰匙 行 人 力 用 生 一 人 心 生 一 4. The Kingdom path for faith is a life dedicated to strengthening and preparing the inner man for unexpected spiritual action 國度為著信 的路,是 致 於加強和 預備內在的 ,以應對意想不到的屬靈 動 音 馬 The Kingdom Path of Faith 國度的信心之路 「至於這 類的鬼,若不禱告 禁食,他就不出來。」—耶穌 太福 17:21 Matt. 17.21 [“But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”] 太17:21 至於這一類的鬼、若不禱告禁食、他就不出來。〔或作不能趕他出來〕: 訓 教 n o Less d n a r e y a r p 3. A life of fasting loosens the world’s grip f o n o i t a r a p e o t r p t n n a e v d r d e i enabling one to see beyond outward s H m o d g n i k e h t s e ” l n b o a s n a causation and then use the keys of the e e s g f n i o t s t u fa o d n a n o s a e s kingdom n i s y e d s i a r e a r e n o b i “ t i s o p p o l a u t i r i 禁食的 活可以鬆開世界的束縛,使 能) p s n e h w (2Tim.4.2 看超越外在的因素,然後使 天國的鑰匙 夠 能 僕 的 度 國 使 , 備 準 密 隱 的 對 食 應 禁 以 和 , 告 」 禱 4. The Kingdom path for faith is a life,總要專 時 得 不 時 dedicated to strengthening ) 2: 「無論得 and preparing 4 後 提 ( 戰 挑 的 對 反 the inner man for unexpected 屬靈 spiritual 行 人 人 力 心 用 生 的路,是 致 於加強和 ,以應對意想不到的屬靈 動 一 人 心 生 一 action 國度為著信 預備內在的 音 馬 The Kingdom Path of Faith 國度的信心之路 「至於這 類的鬼,若不禱告 禁食,他就不出來。」—耶穌 太福 17:21