太福 19:13-15 讓孩 們經歷國度的祝福 Matt. 19.14 but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” 止 到我這裡來,不要禁 子 子 小 人 太19:14 耶穌說:「讓 孩 正是這樣的 。」 音 馬 馬 Matt.19.13-15 Let Children experience the Blessings of the Kingdom 他們,因為在天國的, Kingdom Life 國度的生活 Children Blessed 孩子們蒙福了 Matt. 19.13 Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, 1. “Then” implies Jesus may have been ‘interrupted’ as he was teaching by some women who brought their children to Jesus wanting him to pray and bless them 太19:13 那時有 帶著 孩 來 耶穌, 要耶穌給他們按 禱告, 徒就責備那 些 。 Matt. 19.14 but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” 太19:14 耶穌說:「讓 孩 到我這裡 來,不要禁 他們,因為在天國的, 正是這樣的 。」 Matt. 19.15 And he laid his hands on them and went away. 方 工 見 ,就離開那地 高 子 子 子 門 小 小 小 手 子 , 門 手 人 人 止 , 人 太19:15 耶穌給他們按 去了。 (一)「然後」暗示耶穌在教導時可能 被一些婦女「打斷」 她們帶著孩子來到 耶穌面前 希望耶穌為他們禱告並祝福 a. It is possible the women heard the high value and importance of holy marriage and felt Jesus might also feel this for little children as well 婦女們可能聽到了神聖婚姻的崇 價值 及重要性,並覺得耶穌對 孩 也可能 有同樣的感受 b. Jesus was indignant that the disciples thought kingdom ministry was too important to be interrupted by moms with children 耶穌很氣憤,因為 徒們認為國度事 太重要了,不能被有孩 的母親們打擾 Kingdom Life 國度的生活 Mark 10.14 But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and said to them, “Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 可10:14 耶穌看 就惱怒,對 徒說: 「讓 孩 到我這裡來,不要禁 他 們 因為在 神國的,正是這樣的 。 Mark 10.16 And He took them in His arms and began blessing them, laying His hands on them. , 人 止 , 門 子 小 見 子 , 小 ; 可10:16 我實在告訴你們,凡要承受 神國的,若不像 孩 ,斷不能進去。 Children Blessed 孩子們蒙福了 2. Jesus happily blessed and prayed for them teaching us not only their value but believing that children can intuitively sense the blessing of the Kingdom family even while young (二)耶穌高興地祝福他們 並為他 們祈禱 不僅教導我們他們的價值 並也相信孩子們甚至在年幼時也能 直覺地感受到國度家庭的祝福 太福 19:16-26 國度服事中的財富陷阱 “Christ and the rich young ruler” 「基督與年輕的財主」 Henrich Hofmann 亨利希·霍夫曼 繪 Matt. 19.21 Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” ,可去變賣你所有的,分給窮 ,就必有財寶在天上, 人 人 太19:21 耶穌說:「你若願意作完全 你還要來跟從我。」 音 馬 馬 Matt.19.16-26 The Snare of Wealth in Kingdom Service Matt. 19.16 And behold, a man came up to him, saying, “Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life?” 太19:16 有 個 來 耶穌說:「夫 ,我 該作甚麼善事,纔能得永 」 Matt. 19.17 And he said to him, “Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only one who is good. If you would enter life, keep the commandments.” 太19:17 耶穌對他說:「你為甚麼以善事問 我呢 只有 位是善的,你若要進入永 ,就當遵守誡命。」 ; 子 ? ? 生 見 ; , 人 人 一 : 一 見 ; Matt. 19.18 He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “You shall not murder, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, 太19:18 他說:「甚麼誡命 」耶穌說: 「就是不可殺 ,不可姦淫,不可偷盜, 不可作假 證, ? 生 Entering the Kingdom 進入國度 Rich Young Ruler 年輕的財主 1. This young man would be the world’s best candidate for the kingdom: rich, young, a ruler; seeking eternal life; bowing before Jesus; outwardly righteous and Law abiding, and yet sincerely sensing in his heart he was still lacking 這個年輕人將是世界上最好的國度 候選人 富有、年輕、是個統治 者 尋求永生 俯伏在耶穌面前 外表公義守法 內心卻真誠地感到 自己還有欠缺 Entering the Kingdom 進入國度 Matt. 19.18 He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “You shall not murder, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, 太19:18 他說:「甚麼誡命 」耶穌說: 「就是不可殺 ,不可姦淫,不可偷 盜,不可作假 證, Matt. 19.19 Honor your father and mother, and, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 太19:19 當孝敬 母,又當愛 如 。 : 人 己 人 ? 一 己 ? 自 高 父 人 一 見 人 自 人 人 人 生 Matt. 19.20 The young man said to him, “All these I have kept. What do I still lack?” 太19:20 那少年 說:「這 切我都遵守 了。還缺少甚麼呢 」 Rich Young Ruler 年輕的財主 2. Jesus responded by laying down the ground work for Sola Gratia: 耶穌的回應是為著「唯獨恩典」奠定基礎 a. Jesus corrected his definition of “good” from relative goodness to God’s higher, perfect goodness 耶穌修正了他對「善」的定義,從相對的 善改為神更 的、完美的善 b. Jesus confirmed that the man thought he needed another ‘good deed’ to gain eternal life by asking if he kept the commandments 耶穌問這個 是否遵守誡命,證實這 認為他需要另 個「善事」才能獲得 永 c. The young man was confident that he was a ‘good’ law abiding man who faithfully kept the outer laws 這個年輕 信 是個「良善」 守法的 ,忠實遵守外在的律法 Entering the Kingdom 進入國度 Matt. 19.21 Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” 太19:21 耶穌說:「你若願意作完全 , 可去變賣你所有的,分給窮 ,就必有 財寶在天上,你還要來跟從我。」 Matt. 19.22 When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. 人 心 , 人 自 見 : 人 走 太19:22 那少年 聽 這話,就憂憂愁愁 的 了,因為他的產業很多。 Impossible with Man 在人不能 1. Mk.10.21 we know the young man was sincere and humble by Jesus’ response: “And Jesus, looking at him, loved him” 馬可福音 10:21「耶穌看著他 就愛他」 —— 我們從耶穌的反應中知道這個年輕 人是真誠而謙卑的 2. Jesus gave him 3 Principles of perfect goodness (impossible with man): 耶穌給了他三個完美善良的原則 (在人不能) a. Totally forsake the one thing impossible to forsake because it was centered in his pride, identity, confidence 完全放棄那不可能放棄的事,因為它 是他的驕傲、身分和 信的核 Rich Young Ruler 1640 by Bartholomeus Breenberg 十 人 而 一 子 行 , 己 年輕的財主 1640 巴塞洛繆 ·布倫伯格 繪 自 生 Entering the Kingdom 進入國度 Impossible with Man 在人不能 b. Total obedience: “come follow me” the man would have to deny his status, will and comfort and take up the cross to follow Jesus gaining riches in Heaven 完全順從:「來跟從我」這個 必須放 棄 的地位、意願和舒適並背起 字 架跟隨耶穌,在天上獲得財富 c. Total childlike faith in a God who would grant eternal life not by works but by following Jesus sola gratia 對神完全像孩 樣的信,會獲得永 ,不是透過 為, 是透過唯獨恩典 的跟隨耶穌 3. The man walked away because Jesus touched the one ‘impossible’ thing for eternal life 那人走開了 因為耶穌為著永生觸碰了 那件「不可能」的事 Entering the Kingdom 進入國度 , 自 行 : 門 人 ? 而 力 Matt. 19.23 And Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly, I say to you, it is hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven. 太19:23 耶穌對 徒說:「我實在告訴你 們,財主進天國是難的。 Matt. 19.24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” 太19:24 我又告訴你們,駱駝穿過鍼的 眼,比財主進 神的國還容易呢。」 Possible with God 在神都能 Jesus hyperbolic metaphor was not just ‘hard’ to do it was literally impossible: “easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle” 耶穌的誇張比喻不僅「難以」做到 而 實際上是不可能的 「駱駝穿過針眼更 容易」 1. Jesus’ point: it is impossible for one to be saved by good works and self effort (this would make his death unnecessary?) 耶穌的觀點: 不可能靠善 和 我 努 得救(這會讓祂的死變得沒有 必要 ) 2. The ‘eye of the needle gate’ is a medieval monk’s fiction 「針眼 」是中世紀僧侶的虛構故事 子 Matt. 19.23 And Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly, I say to you, it is hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven. 太19:23 耶穌對 徒說:「我實在告訴你 們,財主進天國是難的。 Matt. 19.24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” 太19:24 我又告訴你們,駱駝穿過鍼的 眼,比財主進 神的國還容易呢。」 門 Possible with God 在神都能 示 門 Entering the Kingdom 進入國度 3. The seeds of ‘salvation by grace alone’ are the kingdom mystery which Paul later revealed in full bloom 「唯獨靠恩典得救」的種 是保羅 後來完全啟 的國度奧秘 Matt. 19.25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?” 太19:25 徒聽 這話,就希奇得很, 說:「這樣誰能得救呢 」 Matt. 19.26 But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. 太19:26 耶穌看著他們說:「在 這是不 能的,在 神凡事都能。 馬可福音10:17-27 自 人 , ? ? 而 ? 見 : 門 這樣誰能得救呢 人 門 Entering the Kingdom 進入國度 ✕ 不 可 ⏝能 Possible with God 在神都能 Jesus metaphor was not just ‘hard’ to do it was literally impossible: “easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle” 耶穌的比喻不僅「難以」做到 而實際上 是不可能的 「駱駝穿過針眼更容易」 4. The disciples were “greatly astonished”hearing Jesus say this and asked, “who then can be saved” because they still believed a man could be saved by doing good works (auto-soteriology) 徒聽到耶穌這樣說,非常驚訝,並問 道:「這樣誰能得救呢 」因為他們仍 相信 可以透過做好事 得救( 我救 贖論) Entering the Kingdom 進入國度 Possible with God 在神都能 Matt. 19.25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?” 太19:25 徒聽 這話,就希奇得很, 說:「這樣誰能得救呢 」 Matt. 19.26 But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. 太19:26 耶穌看著他們說:「在 這是不 能的,在 神凡事都能。 馬可福音10:17-27 人 ? ? 見 門 這樣誰能得救呢 ✕ 不 可 ⏝能 5. If the young ruler had said, “I want to follow you as my King. I believe you are Lord, help my unbelief” he would have made it through the eye of the needle by Grace 如果年輕的財主說:「我要跟隨你作 我的王。我相信你是主,請幫助我的 不信」他會藉著恩典穿過針眼 The Christian Life is Impossible with Man but Possible with God 基督徒的 活對 來說是不可能的, 但對神來說卻是可能的 “If the christian life were just a few rules how easy it would be. You’d go to church on Sunday, sing some hymns, read some books, pray some prayers, visit the sick, give to the poor and then we could paddle our own canoe. But the christian life is nothing less than a camel passing through the eye of the needle by a miracle of amazing grace.” 如果基督徒的生活只是幾條規則 那該有多容易。你會在星期日去教堂 唱一些詩歌 讀一些書 做一些祈禱 探望病人 施捨窮人 然後我們就可 以划我們自己的獨木舟。但基督徒的生活無異於駱駝憑藉奇妙恩典的奇蹟穿 過針眼。 , , , , , 人 , 生 , Ed Miller 艾德·米勒 Matt. 19.30 “But many who are first will be last; and the last, first.” 而 太19:30 然 音 馬 馬 Matt.19.27-20.16 The Snare of Reward Entitlements in Kingdom Service 太福 19:27-20:16 國度服事中權利獎賞的陷阱 有許多在前的將要在後,在後的將要在前。 二 十 支 , 色 2. Jesus vowed (“Amen”) great rewards of “thrones” and honorable judgeships awaiting the 12 in the “regeneration” 耶穌應許(「阿們」) 二門徒將在 「復興」時得到「寶座」和尊貴審判的 極大賞賜 色 Matt. 19.28 And Jesus said to them, “Truly I say to you, that you who have followed Me, in the regeneration when the Son of Man will sit on His glorious throne, you also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 太19:28 耶穌說:「我實在告訴你們。 你們這跟從我的 ,到復興的時候, 坐在他榮耀的寶座上,你們也要 坐在 個寶座上,審判以 列 個 派。 十 1.Peter realized unlike the rich ruler who walked away the disciples had left all and so asked what their reward would be in the kingdom 彼得意識到 門徒們放棄了一切 與那位 離開的財主不同 因此問他們在天國會 得到什麼獎賞 , Matt. 19.27 Then Peter said to Him, “Behold, we have left everything and followed You; what then will there be for us?” 太19:27 彼得就對他說:「看哪,我們 已經撇下所有的跟從你,將來我們要得 甚麼呢 」 人 Present and Future 現在與將來 , ? 二 一 十 門 子 人 支 Kingdom Rewards 國度的獎賞 a. The disciples probably still understood this in the context of an earthly Jewish kingdom over which they would reign over the 12 tribal territories of Israel 徒可能仍在地上猶太王國的背景下理解 這 點,他們將統治以 列12 個 派的 領域 二 十 : 色 生 方 b. Daniel 7.18 and elsewhere spoke of saints ruling and reigning in the coming kingdom 人 Matt. 19.27 Then Peter said to Him, “Behold, we have left everything and followed You; what then will there be for us?” 太19:27 彼得就對他說:「看哪,我們 已經撇下所有的跟從你,將來我們要得 甚麼呢 」 Matt. 19.28 And Jesus said to them, “Truly I say to you, that you who have followed Me, in the regeneration when the Son of Man will sit on His glorious throne, you also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 太19:28 耶穌說:「我實在告訴你們。 你們這跟從我的 ,到復興的時候, 坐在他榮耀的寶座上,你們也要 坐在 個寶座上,審判以 列 個 派。 而 Present and Future 現在與將來 生 音 ? 二 十 子 馬 人 支 Kingdom Rewards 國度的獎賞 但以理書 7:18 和其他地 談到聖徒在 即將來臨的國度中統治和掌權 3. Jesus then opened the promise of rewards up to all who left family homes, jobs and worldly things for His sake: 然後耶穌向所有為了祂而放棄家庭、工作和 世俗事物的人許下了獎賞的應許 a. A reward many times over of whatever was left behind for His sake and an inheritance of eternal life 將得到為祂 繼承永 撇下的數倍的獎賞,並 b. Mk.10.29-31 adds the promise of rewards with persecutions in the present life as well 可福 10:29-31 加上在今 遭逼迫 的也得到獎賞的應許 二 生 田 十 : 色 生 方 田 人 b. Daniel 7.18 and elsewhere spoke of Marksaints 10.29 Jesus “Truly, say to ruling andsaid, reigning in theIcoming you, there is no one who has left house kingdom 而 Matt. 19.27 Then Peter said to Him, “Behold, we have left everything and followed You; what then will there be for us?” 太19:27 彼得就對他說:「看哪,我們 已經撇下所有的跟從你,將來我們要得 甚麼呢 」 Matt. 19.28 And Jesus said to them, “Truly I say to you, that you who have followed Me, in the regeneration when the Son of Man will sit on His glorious throne, you also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 太19:28 耶穌說:「我實在告訴你們。 你們這跟從我的 ,到復興的時候, 坐在他榮耀的寶座上,你們也要 坐在 個寶座上,審判以 列 個 派。 音 Present and Future 現在與將來 生 音 ? 二 父 十 子 馬 人 支 人 Kingdom Rewards 國度的獎賞 但以理書or7:18 和其他地 談到聖徒在 or brothers sisters or mother or father即將來臨的國度中統治和掌權 or children or lands, for my sake and for then the gospel, 3. Jesus opened the promise of rewards up to all 耶穌說:「我實在告訴你們, who left family homes, jobs and 可10:29 worldly things for His sake: 為我和福 ,撇下房屋,或是弟兄、 然後耶穌向所有為了祂而放棄家庭、工作和 姐妹、 母、兒女、 地, 世俗事物的人許下了獎賞的應許 Mark not receive a a. A 10.30 reward who manywill times over of whatever hundredfold now inforthis houses was left behind Histime, sake and an inheritanceand of eternal and brothers sisterslife and mothers 將得到為祂 and children and撇下的數倍的獎賞,並 lands, with 繼承永 persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life. b. Mk.10.29-31 adds the promise of rewards with persecutions in the 可10:30 沒有不 在今世 得百倍的,就是 present life as well 房屋、弟兄、姐妹、母親、兒女、 可福 10:29-31 加上在今 遭逼迫 地、並且要受逼迫,在來世必得永 。 的也得到獎賞的應許 Kingdom Rewards 國度的獎賞 Sovereignly Distributed 主掌權的分配 Matt. 19.30 But many who are first will be last, and the last first. 1. Jesus added this caveat (“But..”) to his promise of rewards to Peter with a simple proverb that reveals another Kingdom Principle: rewarded by Grace not Law 耶穌在對彼得的獎賞應許中加上了 這個警告(「然而…」) 並用一句 簡單的諺語揭示了另一個國度原則 獎賞是憑著恩典而不是律法 太19:30 然 有許多在前的將要在後, 在後的將要在前。 Matt. 20.1 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. : 人 , , ; 工 而 , , 太20:1 因為天國好像家主,清早去雇 , 進他的葡萄園作 。 2. Matthew alone presents the Parable of the Vineyard Laborers to explain this kingdom mystery (“many who are first will be last, and the last first”) as a Principle 只有馬太福音提到《葡萄園工人的比 喻》解釋了這個國度的奧秘(「許多 在前的 將要在後 在後的 將要在 前」) 作為一個原則 Sovereignly Distributed 主掌權的分配 Matt. 19.30 But many who are first will be last, and the last first. 這個比喻 「因為」這個引 的諺語相連結。 Matt. 20.1 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. b. Many interpret this parable as meaning that by the grace of God all believers receive the same reward (denarius) equally (thus devaluing rewards) but that interpretation would have no connection to the proverb which Jesus repeats again at the end for emphasis (Matt.20.16) Matt. 20.2 After agreeing with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. 錢銀 面 子 言 一 音 工 一 馬 用 人 而 工 太20:2 和 講定, 天 打發他們進葡萄園去。 人 a. The parable is connected to the preceding proverb by introductory word “For” 太19:30 然 有許多在前的將要在後, 在後的將要在前。 太20:1 因為天國好像家主,清早去雇 ,進他的葡萄園作 。 子 人 Kingdom Rewards 國度的獎賞 ,就 與前 許多 將這個比喻解釋為,憑著神的 恩典,所有信徒都會得到同樣的獎賞 (銀 )(因此貶低了獎賞),但這種 解釋與耶穌在最後再次強調的諺語沒 有任何联系( 太福 20.16) Kingdom Rewards 國度的獎賞 Matt. 20.3-4 And going out about the third hour he saw others standing idle in the marketplace, and to them he said, ‘You go into the vineyard too, and whatever is right I will give you.’ 太20:3-4 約在巳初出去, 看 市上還有閒站的 , 就對他們說:「你們也進葡萄園去,所當給的, 我必給你們。」他們也進去了。 Matt. 20.5 So they went. Going out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour, he did the same. 太20:5 約在午正和申初又出去,也是這樣 。 Matt. 20.6 And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing. And he said to them, ‘Why do you stand here idle all day?’ 太20:6 約在 初出去,看 還有 站在那裡。就 問他們說:「你們為甚麼整天在這裡閒站呢 」 Matt. 20.7 They said to him, ‘Because no one has hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You go into the vineyard too.’ 人 ? : 行 人 工 人 人 見 見 而 金 酉 太20:7 他們說:「因為沒有 雇我們。」他說: 「你們也進葡萄園去。」 Master of the House 家主 3. Remember the first principle of a kingdom Parable: 記住國度比喻的第一個原則 a. The focus is always about the King 焦點始終圍繞著國王 b. So this parable is not about the laborers or the vineyard or the money but the “master of the house” 所以這個比喻不是關於 、 葡萄園或 錢, 是關於 「家主」 Kingdom Rewards 國度的獎賞 Master of the House 家主 Matt. 20.3-4 And going out about the third hour he saw others standing idle in the marketplace, and to them he said, ‘You go into the vineyard too, and whatever is right I will give you.’ Two unusual traits of the Master 家主的兩個不尋常特質: 太20:3-4 約在巳初出去, 看 市上還有閒站的 , 就對他們說:「你們也進葡萄園去,所當給的, 我必給你們。」他們也進去了。 Matt. 20.5 So they went. Going out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour, he did the same. 太20:5 約在午正和申初又出去,也是這樣 。 Matt. 20.6 And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing. And he said to them, ‘Why do you stand here idle all day?’ 太20:6 約在 初出去,看 還有 站在那裡。就 問他們說:「你們為甚麼整天在這裡閒站呢 」 Matt. 20.7 They said to him, ‘Because no one has hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You go into the vineyard too.’ 人 ? 行 , 人 人 而 見 見 心 人 酉 己 自 太20:7 他們說:「因為沒有 雇我們。」他說: 「你們也進葡萄園去。」 1. He is not the typical worldly owner because he always seems to be returning to the marketplace to search and call for more workers 他不是典型的世俗主人 因為他似 總是回到市場去尋找和招募更多的 工人 a. This repeated search seems to be more motivated by caring for the laborers than his own personal gain 這種反覆的搜尋似乎更多的是出於 對勞動者的關 , 不是為了他 個 利益 Kingdom Rewards 國度的獎賞 Matt. 20.3-4 And going out about the third hour he saw others standing idle in the marketplace, and to them he said, ‘You go into the vineyard too, and whatever is right I will give you.’ 太20:3-4 約在巳初出去, 看 市上還有閒站的 , 就對他們說:「你們也進葡萄園去,所當給的, 我必給你們。」他們也進去了。 Matt. 20.5 So they went. Going out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour, he did the same. 太20:5 約在午正和申初又出去,也是這樣 。 Matt. 20.6 And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing. And he said to them, ‘Why do you stand here idle all day?’ 太20:6 約在 初出去,看 還有 站在那裡。就 問他們說:「你們為甚麼整天在這裡閒站呢 」 Matt. 20.7 They said to him, ‘Because no one has hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You go into the vineyard too.’ 人 ? 行 工 一 人 人 見 見 小 一 人 一 工 酉 工 人 太20:7 他們說:「因為沒有 雇我們。」他說: 「你們也進葡萄園去。」 Master of the House 家主 b. Only this explains why he went out at even 5pm (11th hour) to gather workers for just one hour of work 光是這個就解釋了為什麼他下午 5 點(最後 刻)就出去召集 ,只 作 時 c. These late comers had been waiting all day willing to work but not chosen (Matt.20.6-7) 這些遲到的 已經等了 整天, 願意 作,但沒被選中 (太 20:6-7) Matt. 20.8 And when evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last, up to the first.’ 太20:8 到了晚上,園主對管事的說:「叫 都來,給他們 錢,從後來的起,到先來 的為 。」 Matt. 20.9 And when those hired about the eleventh hour came, each of them received a denarius. 太20:9 約在 初雇的 來了,各 銀 。 得了 錢 Matt. 20.10-11 Now when those hired first came, they thought they would receive more, but each of them also received a denarius. And on receiving it they grumbled at the master of the house, 工 一 人 一 人 工 酉 , 止 太20:10-11 及至那先雇的來了,他們以為必 要多得,誰知也是各得 錢。他們得了,就 埋怨家主說: 子 人 Kingdom Rewards 國度的獎賞 Master of the House 家主 The unusual traits of the Master: 家主的兩個不尋常特質: 2. The master of the house seems to attach importance not so much to the amount of work done as to the heart and willingness with which they worked 家主似乎注重的不是工作完成的 量 而是注重他們工作的熱忱和 意願 一 一 ? 支 一 ? 用 子 ? 人 心 ? 一 人 一 工 一 人 走 a. Unexpectedly paying those last employed first and giving a full day’s wage suggests the master liked their attitude who had worked trusting only to receive “whatever is right” 工 Matt. 20.12 saying, ‘These last worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat.’ 太20:12 「我們整天勞苦受熱,那後來的只做了 時、你竟叫他們和我們 樣麼 」 Matt. 20.13 But he replied to one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? 太20:13 家主回答其中的 說:「朋友,我不虧 負你。你與我講定的,不是 錢銀 麼 Matt. 20.14 Take what belongs to you and go. I choose to give to this last worker as I give to you. 太20:14 拿你的 罷。我給那後來的和給你 樣, 這是我願意的。 Matt. 20.15 Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my generosity?’ 太20:15 我的東西難道不可隨我的意思 麼 因為我作好 ,你就紅了眼麼 Matt. 20.16 So the last will be first, and the first last.” 太20:16 這樣,那在後的將要在前,在前的將要在 後了。 人 Master of the House 家主 工 人 人 小 Kingdom Rewards 國度的獎賞 不料,先付給最後被雇的 ,並給 整天的 資,表明家主喜歡他們的這種 態度:他們信靠的 作只為得到 「應得的」報酬 b. And when the early workers grumbled about receiving the same the Master insisted upon his sovereign right to do with his money as he wished and then questioned why they would begrudge his generosity to others 當早期的 抱怨收到同樣的錢時,主 堅持他有主權,可以隨 所欲地 配 他的錢,然後質問他們為什麼會嫉妒他 對別 的慷慨 比喻背後的原則:獎賞是根據神掌權和慷慨的恩典而給予的 Matt. 19.30 “But many who are first will be last; and the last, first.” 太19:30 然 有許多在前的將要在後,在後的將要在前。 1. Jesus was actually responding to the motives behind Peter’s calculating and self interested question about the rewards due them for leaving all 耶穌實際上是在回答彼得的算計和自私的問題背後的動機 即他們放下 一切應得的回報 2. Jesus assured them of great reward but reminded them that length of service or quantity of service are not the only things considered 服務年資或量並 , 但提醒他們 , , 耶穌向他們保證會得到極大的回報 不是唯一的考慮因素 而 馬 Principle behind the Parable: Rewards are given according to the Sovereign and Generous Grace of God Principle behind the Parable: Rewards are given according to the Sovereign and Generous Grace of God 比喻背後的原則:獎賞是根據神掌權和慷慨的恩典而給予的 3. Heart motives of willingness, trust, devotion, humility and gratefulness would be esteemed highly in meting out Kingdom rewards 在衡量國度獎賞時 會受到高度重視 甘心樂意、信賴、忠誠、謙卑和感恩等內心動機 a. “Many” (but not all) who are first will receive rewards but last because of their heart attitude of entitlement, self seeking and pride 「許多」(但不是全部) 先的 會獲得賞賜,但由於他們內 私 利和驕傲的態度,他們最終會落後 的權利、 b. “Many” (but not all) who have served in less noticeable and important labors will nevertheless receive great reward for their zeal, devotion, purity, humility and gratefulness 心 人 工 大 目 而 人 人 首 , 自 自 「許多」(但不是全部)從事不那麼引 注 和重要 作的 ,仍然會 因為他們的熱情、奉獻、純潔、謙卑和感恩 獲得巨 的回報 In the kingdom there are Gracious Principles of Rewards but no Laws 在國度裡有賞賜的恩典原則而沒有律法 1. God’s servant must serve with a sense of gratitude and unworthiness 神的僕人必須懷著感恩和不配的心態去服事 a. The Lord’s gracious reward is 100 fold in this life plus an inheritance 主的恩典賞賜是今生的百倍 外加上產業 b. But God reserves the right to give to His servants as He wishes 但是神保留權利按照祂自己的意願賜予祂的僕人 2. Comparing the basis of rewards for working in three parables 比較三個比喻中工作獎賞的基礎 Ability 能力 Opportunity 機會 Reward 賞賜 Lesson 功課 Different (1,5,10) 不同(1、5、10) Same 一樣 Same 一樣 Ability not basis Matt.20:1-16 (Laborers) Same 一樣 太20:1-16(工人) (Unworthy 不配) Various hours Same 一樣 Time served not basis 不基於做工時間 Various effort Different 不同 Obedience of faith the basis 基於順服的信心 太25:14 (銀子) Lu.19:12 ff. (10 Slaves) 路20:19-12(10 個僕人) Same 一樣 (1 Mina 一錠銀子) , Matt.25:14ff. (Talents) 不同的時間 不同的努力程度 不基於能力 In the kingdom there are Gracious Principles of Rewards but no Laws 在國度裡有賞賜的恩典原則而沒有律法 many are called butwith few achosen. Matt.22.14 1. God’sFor servant must serve sense of gratitude and unworthiness 因為被召的人多 選上的人少。馬太福音 22:14 神的僕人必須懷著感恩和不配的心態去服事 a. The Lord’s gracious reward is 100 fold in this life plus an inheritance “Many are called to work外加上產業 in God’s vineyard, and many are actually 主的恩典賞賜是今生的百倍 b. ButatGod reserves theare right to give workers, to His servants as Hefor wishes work; but few ‘choice’ few work God in the 但是神保留權利按照祂自己的意願賜予祂的僕人 spirit… taught by Jesus with ardent devotion, 2. Comparing basis of rewards for working in three parables yet with the deep humility.” 比較三個比喻中工作獎賞的基礎 「許多人被呼召到神的葡萄園工作 而許多人實際上正在工作 但 很少人是『選擇』的工人 很少有人在靈裡為神工作......耶穌以熱忱 Reward 賞賜 Lesson 功課 Ability 能力 Opportunity 機會 奉獻的精神教導 但又懷著深深的謙卑。」 Different (1,5,10) 不同(1、5、10) Same 一樣 Matt.20:1-16 (Laborers) Same 一樣 太20:1-16(工人) (Unworthy 不配) Various hours Same 一樣 Lu.19:12 ff. (10 Slaves) , (1 Mina 一錠銀子) , , , 路20:19-12(10 個僕人) , 太25:14 (銀子) 不同的時間 Various effort 不同的努力程度 Same 一樣 Ability not basis 不基於能力 Bengel 本格爾 Time served not basis Same 一樣 不基於做工時間 Different 不同 Obedience of faith the basis 基於順服的信心 ; Matt.25:14ff. (Talents) Matt. 20.17 And as Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples aside, and on the way he said to them, 太20:17 耶穌上耶路撒冷去的時候,在路上把 對他們說: 個 徒帶到 邊, Matt. 20.18 “See, we are going up to Jerusalem. And the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn him to death 太20:18 看哪,我們上耶路撒冷去, 他們要定他死罪。 要被交給祭司長和 , Matt. 20.19 and deliver him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified, and he will be raised on the third day.” 太20:19 又交給外邦人,將他戲弄、鞭打、釘在十字架上,第三 日 一 士 文 門 二 十 子 人 他要復活。 音 馬 馬 馬 馬 Matt.20.17-19 Further Details of Jesus’ Passion in Jerusalem 太福 20:17-19 耶穌在耶路撒冷受難的更多細節 太福 20:20-28 國度服事中的 私野 陷阱 Matt. 20.23 …but to sit at my right hand and at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.” , 乃是我父為誰預備的 心 , 不是我可以賜的 自 只是坐在我的左右 , ⋯ 音 馬太20:23 ⋯ 馬 Matt.20.20-28 The Snare of Selfish Ambition in Kingdom Service 就賜給誰。 Kingdom Rewards 國度的獎賞 Matt. 20.20 Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came up to him with her sons, and kneeling before him she asked him for something. 太20:20 那時,西庇太兒 的母親,同他兩個兒 上前來,拜耶穌,求他 件事。 Matt. 20.21 And he said to her, “What do you want?” She said to him, “Say that these two sons of mine are to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom.” 子 一 子 , 音 ? 一 小 馬 子 馬 米 一 人 子 太20:21 耶穌說:「你要甚麼呢 」他說:「願你 叫我這兩個兒 在你國裡, 個坐在你右邊、 個坐在你左邊。」 Personal Favor 個人的恩惠 1. Salome was both mother of John and James and sister of Jesus’ mother Mary 西羅米是約翰和雅各的母親 也是耶穌 母親馬利亞的姊妹 a. It was common for the relatives of Kings to receive special favor 王的親戚通常會受到特殊優待 b. John and James were not only cousins but certainly also seemed to qualify as part of the inner three 約翰和雅各不僅是表兄弟,似乎也有 資格成為三 的內在 組 c. It’s hard to know if this was Salome’s idea or something the boys put her up to because Mark leaves her out of the request altogether (Mk.10:35) 很難知道這是西羅 的主意,還是兒 讓她這麼做的,因為 可在這請求裡 根本沒有提到她 ( 可福 10:35) Kingdom Rewards 國度的獎賞 Matt. 20.20 Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came up to him with her sons, and kneeling before him she asked him for something. 太20:20 那時,西庇太兒 的母親,同他兩個 兒 上前來,拜耶穌,求他 件事。 Matt. 20.21 And he said to her, “What do you want?” She said to him, “Say that these two sons of mine are to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom.” 太20:21 耶穌說:「你要甚麼呢 」他說:「願 你叫我這兩個兒 在你國裡, 個坐在你右 邊、 個坐在你左邊。」 Personal Favor 個人的恩惠 2. The request at least shows real faith that Jesus was indeed the Messiah and would soon sit upon His throne in the Kingdom 這個請求至少顯示了真正的信心 相信耶穌確實是彌賽亞 很快就會 坐在國度的寶座上 3. It is remarkable that every time Jesus mentions his death and resurrection an argument breaks out among the disciples over their kingdom ambitions , ? 一 , 一 子 , , 子 一 子 值得注意的是 每次耶穌提到祂的 死亡和復活 門徒就會因他們的國度 野心而發生爭論 Kingdom Rewards 國度的獎賞 The Cup and Baptism 那杯與受浸 Matt. 20.22 Jesus answered, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?” They said to him, “We are able.” The Cross precedes the Crown 太20:22 耶穌回答說:「你們不知道所求 的是甚麼。我將要喝的杯,你們能喝 麼 」他們說:「我們能。」 Matt. 20.23 He said to them, “You will drink my cup, but to sit at my right hand and at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.” , 十 , 父 ? 太20:23 耶穌說:「我所喝的杯,你們必 要喝,只是坐在我的左右,不是我可以 賜的,乃是我 為誰預備的,就賜給 誰。」 十字架在冠冕之先 1. Jesus does not rebuke the vain request because he loves his disciples and knows what they will go through for their allegiance 耶穌沒有責備這個無謂的請求 因為祂愛祂的門徒 並且知道他們 會為效忠而經歷什麼 2. But Salome had little awareness of what she requested - crowns were glistening and the cross was no where in view 但西羅米實在不知道她要求的是什麼 —— 冠冕閃閃發光但看不見 字架 Kingdom Rewards 國度的獎賞 The Cup and Baptism 那杯與受浸 Mark 10.38 But Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?” 可10:38 耶穌說:「你們不知道所求的是甚 麼。我所喝的杯,你們能喝麼 我所受的 洗,你們能受麼 」 3. James and John said they were able to drink the cup and be baptized like their master but this bravery was ignorant of the reality of the martyrdom that awaited Mark 10.39 They said to Him, “We are able.” And Jesus said to them, “The cup that I drink you shall drink; and you shall be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized. 可10:39 他們說:「我們能。」耶穌說: 「我所喝的杯,你們也要喝 我所受的 洗,你們也要受, 一樣喝那杯並接受那洗 但這種勇敢 忽略了等待他們的是殉道的現實 一 ? ; , , 一 ? 人 ; Mark 10.40 “But to sit on My right or on My left, this is not Mine to give; but it is for those for whom it has been prepared.” 可10:40 只是坐在我的左右,不是我可以 賜的 乃是為誰預備的,就賜給誰。」 雅各和約翰說 他們可以像他們的主 a. James would become the first apostle martyred by Herod 雅各將成為第 使徒 位被希律王殺害的 b. John the last to die after imprisonments and torture 約翰是在監禁和折磨後最後 的 個死 Kingdom Rewards 國度的獎賞 Mark 10.38 But Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?” 可10:38 耶穌說:「你們不知道所求的是甚 麼。我所喝的杯,你們能喝麼 我所受的 洗,你們能受麼 」 Mark 10.39 They said to Him, “We are able.” And Jesus said to them, “The cup that I drink you shall drink; and you shall be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized. 可10:39 他們說:「我們能。」耶穌說: 「我所喝的杯,你們也要喝 我所受的 洗,你們也要受, ? ; , ? , ; Mark 10.40 “But to sit on My right or on My left, this is not Mine to give; but it is for those for whom it has been prepared.” 可10:40 只是坐在我的左右,不是我可以 賜的 乃是為誰預備的,就賜給誰。」 The Cup and Baptism 那杯與受浸 4. Jesus as Son of Man prophesied that they would indeed go through these things but humbly deferred such positions of reward to His Gracious Father 身為人子 耶穌預言他們確實會 經歷這些事情 但祂謙卑地將 這些獎賞的地位交給祂仁慈的父 Kingdom Rewards 國度的獎賞 The Cup and Baptism 那杯與受浸 Mark 10.38 But Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?” n: i a g a d e r o rsc e d n u s i e 可10:38 耶穌說:「你們不知道所求的是甚 l ncip i r P e the m o a t s g e n h i T d r o c ac4. Jesus as Son of Man prophesied 麼。我所喝的杯,你們能喝麼 我所受的 n e v i g e r a od rds G a f w o e e R c a r G 洗,你們能受麼 」 enerousthat they would indeed go G d n a n g i e r e “We are able.” SotovHim, Mark 10.39 They said through these things but humbly : 則 原 樣的deferred 同 And Jesus said to them, “The cup that 次 I drink 了 調 強 such positions of 再 的 予 you shall drink; and you shall be baptized with 賜 典 恩 的 reward to His Gracious Father 慨 慷 和 權 主 the baptism with which I am baptized. 的 乃是根據神 賞 獎 身為人子 耶穌預言他們確實會 可10:39 他們說:「我們能。」耶穌說: 經歷這些事情 但祂謙卑地將 「我所喝的杯,你們也要喝 我所受的 洗,你們也要受, 這些獎賞的地位交給祂仁慈的父 而 ? ; , ? , ; Mark 10.40 “But to sit on My right or on My left, this is not Mine to give; but it is for those for whom it has been prepared.” 可10:40 只是坐在我的左右,不是我可以 賜的 乃是為誰預備的,就賜給誰。」 Kingdom Servants 國度的僕人 The First is Slave of All 為首的是眾人的僕人 Matt. 20.24 And hearing this, the ten became indignant with the two brothers. 太20:24 那 個 徒聽 ,就惱怒他們弟兄 。 Matt. 20.25 But Jesus called them to Himself and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. 太20:25 耶穌叫了他們來,說:「你們知道外邦 有君王為主治理他們,有 臣操權管束他們。 Matt. 20.26 “It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, 太20:26 只是在你們中間不可這樣,你們中間誰願 為 ,就必作你們的 , Matt. 20.27 and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; 太20:27 誰願為 ,就必作你們的僕 Matt. 20.28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” 人 人 二 ; 人 人 十 人 己 大 人 人 自 見 用 心 門 首 子 人 心 十 米 人 大 人 大 太20:28 正如 來,不是要受 的服事,乃是要 服事 ,並且要捨命,作多 的贖價。」 1. Salome’s ‘insider’ request stirred up the ambitions and jealousies of the others 西羅 的『圈內 』請求激起了 其他 的野 和嫉妒 2. But Jesus brought all their worldly mindset to the cross by defining Himself as the model of greatness and reward in the kingdom 但耶穌藉著將 定義為國度中 偉 和獎賞的典範將他們所有的 世俗 態都帶到了 字架上 Kingdom Servants 國度的僕人 The First is Slave of All 為首的是眾人的僕人 Matt. 20.24 And hearing this, the ten became indignant with the two brothers. 3. To Romans and all worldly kingdoms greatness is all about “lording it over” and “authority” 對羅 和世界上所有的王國來 說,偉 意味著「統治」和「權 威」 太20:24 那 個 徒聽 ,就惱怒他們弟兄 。 Matt. 20.25 But Jesus called them to Himself and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. 太20:25 耶穌叫了他們來,說:「你們知道外邦 有君王為主治理他們,有 臣操權管束他們。 Matt. 20.26 “It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, 太20:26 只是在你們中間不可這樣,你們中間誰願 為 ,就必作你們的 , Matt. 20.27 and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; 太20:27 誰願為 ,就必作你們的僕 Matt. 20.28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” 人 人 二 小 己 自 ; 人 人 用 人 大 人 見 人 用 門 首 子 大 人 大 人 十 馬 人 生 大 太20:28 正如 來,不是要受 的服事,乃是要 服事 ,並且要捨命,作多 的贖價。」 4. But in His kingdom the principle of the least is the greatest applies 但在祂的國度裡,應 的是最 的 就是最 的原則 5. Jesus humbly came to give his life as a ransom for many revealing His sacrifice was substitutionary 耶穌謙卑地來到世上,獻出 的 命作為許多 的贖價,表明祂的 犧牲是替代性的 Matt. 19.30 “But many who are first will be last; and the last, first.” 有許多在前的將要在後,在後的將要在前。 子 而 太19:30 然 音 馬 馬 Matt.20.29-34 Compassion Heals the Blind Men in Jericho 太福 20:29-34 憐憫醫治了耶利哥的瞎 Matt. 20.29 As they were leaving Jericho, a large crowd followed Him. 太20:29 他們出耶利哥的時候,有極多的 跟隨他。 Matt. 20.30 And two blind men sitting by the road, hearing that Jesus was passing by, cried out, “Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!” 太20:30 有兩個瞎 坐在路旁,聽說是 耶穌經過,就喊著說:「主阿, 衛的 孫,可憐我們罷!」 Matt. 20.31 The crowd sternly told them to be quiet, but they cried out all the more, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!” 子 大 大 , , , 子 人 : , 太20:31 眾 責備他們,不許他們作聲, 他們卻越發喊著說:「主阿, 衛的 孫,可憐我們罷!」 , 人 子 King’s Compassion 王的慈心 Sight to the Blind 讓瞎子得看見 1. Jesus has eaten with Zacchaeus and now begins the 8 hour journey climbing 3400 feet up to Jerusalem for Passover along with the crowds 耶穌與撒該一起吃過飯後 便開始了 長達 8 小時的旅程 爬升 3400 英 尺 與眾人一起前往耶路撒冷過 逾越節 2. Two begging blind men sat begging along the route (Mk.10.46 mentions only one named Bartimaeus who became a disciple of Jesus and was probably known to many believers) 兩個乞討的盲人坐在路邊乞討(馬可 福音 10 46 只提到一個名叫巴底買的 人 他成了耶穌的門徒 可能為許多 信徒所認識) Mark 10.49 And Jesus stopped and said, “Call him here.” So they *called the blind man, saying to him, “Take courage, stand up! He is calling for you.” 可10:49 耶穌就站住,說:「叫過他 來。」他們就叫那瞎 ,對他說: 「放 ,起來!他叫你啦。」 , , 子 , , , , 子 , Mark 10.50 Throwing aside his cloak, he jumped up and came to Jesus. 可10:50 瞎 就丟下衣服,跳起來, 到耶穌那裡。 心 走 King’s Compassion 王的慈心 Sight to the Blind 讓瞎子得看見 3. Their continual cries “Son of David” was inspired by prophecies saying the Messiah would come with healing for the blind (Isa. 35.5, 42.7) 他們不斷呼喊「大衛的子孫」 這是 受到預言的啟發 說彌賽亞將會到來 治愈盲人(以賽亞書 35:5, 42:7) 4. Jesus stops and asks those who were trying to silence them to call him and suddenly the “shushers” became Jesus’ helpers encouraging the men to come to Jesus who was calling 耶穌停下來 讓那些試著使他們安靜的 人呼喚他 突然間 那些「噓聲者」成 了耶穌的助手 鼓勵這些人來到呼喚他 們的耶穌面前 King’s Compassion 王的慈心 Sight to the Blind 讓瞎子得看見 Matt. 20.32 And Jesus stopped and called them, and said, “What do you want Me to do for you?” 1. Jesus knows what the men want but asks because faith in the heart must be released through the mouth 耶穌知道這些人想要什麼 但問了 因為心裡的信心必須透過嘴巴來表達 太20:32 耶穌就站住,叫他們來,說: 「要我為你們作甚麼 」 Matt. 20.33 They *said to Him, “Lord, we want our eyes to be opened.” 太20:33 他們說:「主阿,要我們的眼睛 能看 。」 , , : 手 見 心 ? 立 了 ; , 一 見 Matt. 20.34 Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes; and immediately they regained their sight and followed Him. 太20:34 耶穌就動了慈 ,把他們的 眼睛 摸 他們 刻看 ,就跟從 了耶穌。 2. The gospels note 2 beautiful details to the story to highlight Jesus’ Compassion: 福音書記載 故事中的兩個美麗細 節 以凸顯耶穌的慈心 a. Jesus was visibly moved with compassion and physically touched their eyes 耶穌顯然被感動了,親 觸摸 他們的眼睛 b. Jesus declared their faith had healed them 耶穌宣告他們的信醫治了他們 King’s Compassion 王的慈心 Mark 10.51 And answering him, Jesus said, “What do you want Me to do for you?” And the blind man said to Him, “Rabboni, I want to regain my sight!” 可10:51 耶穌說:「要我為你作甚 麼 」瞎 說:「拉波尼,我要能 看 !」 見 立 子 , 子 ? 見 Mark 10.52 And Jesus said to him, “Go; your faith has made you well.” Immediately he regained his sight and began following Him on the road. 可10:52 耶穌說:「你去罷,你的信 救了你了。」瞎 刻看 了,就 在路上跟隨耶穌。 Sight to the Blind 讓瞎子得看見 3. Luke 18.43 finishes the story with Bartimaeus glorifying God as a new disciple and the crowd all praising God for what they had seen 路加福音 18:43 以巴底買成為新 門徒榮耀神 眾人也因所見所聞 讚美神而結束了這個故事 So much has been revealed of the Kingdom’s Nature: 關於國度的本質有許多已經被揭示了 Greatness in the Kingdom is to come as little children 國度的偉大就是像小孩子一樣的來 Restoring Sheep is the goal of Church Discipline 恢復羊群是教會紀律的目標 Healing ‘little ones’ comes out of Compassion 治愈「小子們」發自於憐憫之心 God’s Original Intention for Marriage is Sacred 神對婚姻的初衷是神聖的 The impossibility of gaining eternal life by good works made possible by Grace Alone 靠善行得永生是不可能的 唯有靠恩典才能實現 The Snares and Temptations of Rewards when Entitlement and Ambition eye for Kingdom Position 高 得獎賞的誘惑就成了陷阱 , , 當權利和野心追逐王國地位時 音 馬 Matthew 18-20 Brings us to Jerusalem Watching the Humility and Nobility of Jesus 太福 18-20章帶我們到耶路撒冷看耶穌的謙卑和 貴 Next Week: 下週: Matthew 21 The Wisdom of God in the Kingdom 太福 21章: 音 在國度裡的神的智慧 音 馬 馬 太 Gospel of Matthew 福