What are you searching for in life?
How far are you willing to go in your
quest to get your answer?
There was a man named Zaccheus – a rich and powerful
man of his day – who was willing to go out on a limb, just to catch a
glimpse of Jesus. Why? And what did he discover?
Are you, like Zaccheus, on a secret quest to find an
answer beyond what this world calls a “good life”? This is more than a
one-sided quest of Zaccheus seeking for an answer uniquely his, but this is
also about the God who is seeking mankind through Jesus Christ.
Join us via Zoom on
June 10th, 2023 (Saturday) at 7:30PM
We hope you will join us as we learn
what others, like Zaccheus, have discovered when they encountered Jesus Christ.
You can read about the Zaccheus
story here in the Bible.
May God bless
you richly as you embark on a personal journey to know Him more.
If you
want to join us in-person on Sunday, please click here for more details.
If you
would like to reach out, please use this Google form. Thank you.