Are you fulfilled in life?
Jesus answered and said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water shall thirst again …” John 4:13
This past year has certainly brought about many changes in our lives, and perhaps there are times when we wonder about the true meaning of life. What can we make of life when it can be swept away so suddenly? Is there any value to our various pursuits if life is just like a vapor, appearing briefly but gone so quickly?
In those fleeting moments of reflection, our honest assessment is that true meaning and satisfaction elude us. This implicit knowledge gnaws at us because “He (God) has put eternity in our hearts.” Man is created to be satisfied by his Maker today and also into eternity. His remedy for man’s age-old quest is revealed in the Bible.
Join us for a brief moment on
April 3rd, 2021 7:30 PM – 8:00 PM*
as we seek the Author of the Bible together to understand the purpose of life.
* All are welcome to stay after 8pm for some conversation and Q&A.